House Loewenstein
   Photo: House Loewenstein

Among the landmarks of Aachen can safely allocate the legendary home of Loewenstein. This is one of the few houses built sometime in the main square of the city, who managed to survive many centuries ago, during one of the terrible fires. The old original house and is now on the market square, and even war could not greatly affect its original appearance.

It was built in 1344-1345, respectively, and was first used as a cellar for storing wines. Later the building was handed over to the family Loewenstein, whereby the house and got the name by which is known today. The house is built in the traditional for the baroque period, as vividly narrate facades, and interior decoration. One of the highlights of the house is the figure of St. John of Nepomuk, set on one of the facades in the 17th century, pleasing to the eye as the original facade decoration.

In the 15th century the famous building played a role in political events, becoming the refuge for one, then another guild. Similarly, the house became a haven for Loewenstein representatives of religious denominations, especially the Lutherans, who conducted the meeting here and historically have taken important decisions.

Today the house Loewenstein little remains from the Middle Ages, only the exterior walls. Inside, everything is modernized, thus building administrative offices are located. And besides, there is a very interesting museum of Aachen carnival to visit that - great idea to tourists.

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