Church of St. Teresa
   Photo: Church of St. Teresa

City of St. Theresa Catholic Church conveniently located in one of the city districts of Aachen, in the north-eastern part. Interesting neighborhood with the Higher Technical School of North Rhine-Westphalia does not prevent it from being visited and favorite not only citizens, but also many tourists. Going forward, we must say that it is in the church often hosts various musical events, including performances by famous and choirs in Europe.

In the early years of its existence, the church of St. Teresa belonged to the Carmelite convent, which was built here in 1662. The church came a little later - between 1739 and 1745 years, and is credited with the authorship of the project famous architect Lorenz Mefferdatisu. The interior decoration worked equally well-known in those years the architect Johann Joseph Kuveni, and the church itself was completed in Baroque style. In the early 19th century, the church moved to the possession of the city.

During the 1943 bombing of the Church of St.. Teresa, like many other buildings and monuments Aachen, was almost completely destroyed. Interestingly, many of the details of the situation, including even the altar, were brought and hidden in a safe place, but because of the humidity were fit only as models, looking at which the master in the 50s of the twentieth century began to restore the church. The building has been built according to the drawings and drawings of the 18th century, or rather, it was practically built anew. Today, the church of St. Teresa is known not only in Aachen, look at her many tourists.

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