Mologa Pokrovsky Monastery
   Photo: Mologa Pokrovsky Monastery

In the small village of Bykovo is located in Nekouz Yaroslavl region, is Mologa Pokrovsky Monastery. This monastery is a female and is now actively restored and revived.

The base of the monastery was in 1883. While the owner of the village Bykovo was Elizabeth Ermolinskaya - a hereditary aristocrat and the widow, who wanted to build on the territory of their own manor small convent.

Two years later, namely 25 December 1885, the Holy Synod adopted the Intercession created community. At the end of 1892, this community has been transformed into Pokrovsky nunnery, which was also called Mologa, because it was located on the territory of Mologa district.

It is known that in 1941 the Rybinsk reservoir water flooded more than 4550 sq.m. fertile arable land, and it was demolished over 770 villages and hamlets, 80 churches, including Dorofeev Yugskuyu deserts, female-Athanasian Cyril monastery, female Ivanovsky Convent. Mologa Pokrovsky Monastery is ranked in the flood zone.

During the tenure of the Soviet government in the area of ​​the monastery were agricultural workshops, school, club, as well as existing in the territory of the monastery cemetery largest stadium. At the end of 1996, all the territory of the monastery, and all that is left of the pre-existing buildings were returned to the Russian Orthodox Church.

According to the decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, published March 21, 2011, Pokrovsky monastery was once again returned to its previous name - Mologa Pokrovsky Monastery.

In the area of ​​the monastery there are two churches, the first of which was consecrated in the name of the Holy Virgin is odnoprestolnoy stone; its consecration took place in 1889. The Second Temple was the home church, which was consecrated in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh. This church is located in the housing privately and was consecrated in 1895. Today, in the monastery with periodic regularity wires must worship.

In the premises of the Intercession Monastery in storage are very important and revered shrines. These shrines include the Kazan Icon of Our Lady, which is written in brass; To date, the icon is almost completely renovated, with a few times, she streamed myrrh. Before the face icons monastery sister every day reading dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and other saints Hymn. The monastery also kept twenty relics of the saints of God. In 2009 the monastery located in the icon of Our Lady streamed myrrh, which coincided with the Beheading of John the Baptist and the prophet - Baptist. The holy icon streamed myrrh over a month, and then again returned to the monastery.

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