Manor Andreev
   Photo: Manor Andreev

Manor Andreev in terms of historical value is absolutely unique. Its owners at different times were Musin-Pushkin, Kurakin, Volkonskie. The estate is located in the village of Andreev.

These lands in the late 18th century had inherited the famous statesman, chief procurator of the Synod, the discoverer "Lay", the president of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, the famous collector and diplomat Alexei Ivanovich Musin-Pushkin. He was a connoisseur of Western European and Russian art, so built a mansion on the tastes of his time.

The most impressive of count house complex which is being built in strict accordance with the romantic tendencies that have emerged in the period in Western European architecture.

All the buildings have been erected on the St. Andrew's asymmetrical plan as in the Middle Ages it was done in the construction of fortresses and castles. Built in a special economic and housing. It is made of red brick with semicircular lookout tower with glassed gallery. This building was connected to the two-storey wooden house. Its facade was decorated with 18 columns and lacy lattice decorated second-floor balcony. The architectural ensemble of St. Andrew's looked fabulous and fantastic.

Tab of St. Andrew's Park attended English gardeners. The park covers more than 3 hectares. In it very successfully combined elements of the largest landscape parks in Europe and the local terrain scenic river Ilda. The most beautiful place in the park is a sunny meadow, spread their velvety green lawn in front of the Count's house, surrounded by all the perimeter of thick trees, mostly oaks with majestic crowns, towering over an open field space, which in the summer heat is kept cool. After dark the shady corners of the park plenty of light is particularly striking. In conjunction with the Count's house is superimposed on the manor ensemble imprint of originality, which have praised contemporaries.

In addition to the park and the manor house in the estate "Andreev" is Church of the Annunciation in the village of Marino. It was built in 1781. In it were two altars in honor of the Annunciation and in honor of St. Nicholas.

In the parish church there were 18 villages. The project of reconstruction of the temple was designed in 1899 by St. Petersburg architect VA Demyanovskaya In 1900 -1902 years here hosts major restoration and construction and operation. The massive bell tower was installed separately from the church, so that when the sediment would not be harmed by the building of the temple. The church and bell tower were covered with iron. In 1909, the fence was built with iron bars. The temple was rebuilt at the expense of merchants from St. Petersburg Yershov. November 12, 1901 consecrated the right aisle of the church, and September 15, 1902 - Left. The church was restored three chapels: in honor of the Annunciation of the Virgin, in honor of St. Nicholas and St. Demetrios. Trustee of the Church in Marino made Prince Kurakin, AA, who was elected to this position in 1881 parishioners.

For 20 years of service, a trustee of the Prince had made large donations to the temple. During this time the temple was repaired several times and twice been updated inside and out, especially after a fire that occurred in the church in 1893. The interior of the church was badly damaged.

The fence around the church also destroyed, leaving only part of a chapel. But despite everything, the slender silhouette of the Annunciation Church in the ensemble with a colorful landscape of the estate still attracts the attention and delights guests homestead.

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