Holy Trinity Church in the village Voschazhnikovo
   Photo: Church of the Trinity in the village Voschazhnikovo

Holy Trinity Church is located in the village of Voschazhnikovo Borisoglebskii district of the Yaroslavl region. Temple - stone, five-domed, three-altar, bunk. It has two chapels: the first was dedicated in honor of St. Nicholas, the second - in the name of the Great Martyr Paraskeva. The construction of the church took an active part Count Nikolai Sheremetev. With the city's buildings were invited to two masters: from Moscow - the architect Karl Ivanovich form and Alexei Mironov, serf architect graph. There is speculation that one of the great masters designed Trinity Church.

Trinity Church in Voschazhnikovo - unique. It - one of the few villages in the surrounding area and even Borisoglebskii Rostov temples possessing two floors: on the ground - a warm winter temple, and at the top where is an ancient wooden staircase, framed by carved railings, is a beautiful, high-domed church year. Descriptions tell that the decoration of the temple Sheremetevsky fiefdoms different luxury and wealth.

In the upper tier of the building, despite the severe destruction, preserved beautiful frescoes, made in a rare visual style that have been performed by artists Sheremetev serfs in 91-94-ies of the XVIII century. The murals of the church attended by well-known masters of the fortress brothers Argunova. Such a wall painting in the XIX century there was only four temples former Rostov district, two of them - in the birthplace Sheremetevs.

In the first tier of the temple remained particularly revered icon of St. Paraskeva in a silver chasuble (weight of 9 pounds). Old-timers remembered that the image of Paraskeva resembled traits of Praskovya Ivanovna Zhemchugovoy, is the wife of Count NP Sheremetev.

In the summer of 1929, the temple was closed Trinity. At the end of October 1934 the church lost its bells. After the formation of the collective farm here was arranged granary. Earlier, in 1922, the finance department of the district executive committee held Borisoglebskii withdrawal temple values ​​were taken gold and silver robe with icons and other church utensils. Father Fyodor Poroikov (the last priest of the temple), who opposed the closing voschazhnikovskih churches in 1936 was subjected to repression. In 2000, he glorified among the saints.

At the same time began the restoration of the temple. In 2005, the first tier of Trinity Church was held a ceremony of consecration of a new chapel in the name of the martyrs and confessors Russian.

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