Assumption Cathedral Princess Convent
   Photo: Assumption Cathedral Princess Convent

In 1200-1201 years in the center of the courtyard Princess Convent was built Assumption Cathedral. The building has been preserved, and the present temple was built on the site of an ancient at the turn of XV-XVI centuries. During the construction of the remaining part of the walls were used in old houses.

Modern Cathedral of the Assumption is a large brick temple with 2 umya chapels, galleries and a massive head. Exterior walls complete zakomary, above which rises a 2 tier keeled kokoshniks that became the basis for the light drum.

At the bottom of the Cathedral visible boundary of the transition from the old walls of the ancient temple in the later part. Old brick was thin, made of a mixture of mortar and brick chips. The cathedral entrance through the portals, but were discovered during excavations colored majolica tiles with which the floor has been laid out in an ancient cathedral.

Chroniclers suggest that the walls of the temple in the XIII century was buried Princess Maria, founded the monastery, her sister Anna and daughter of Prince Alexander Nevsky. The tombs are located in the outer walls of the side facades. This suggests that in ancient times to the eastern corner of the building adjoined chapels, tombs.

In the decoration of the church serve as a reminder of its ancient predecessor kreschatye pillars, apses and small semicircles arkosoly in the north wall. However, the nature of the current interior bears the stamp of the border XV-XVI centuries. The space of the cathedral is full of light and space, boundless expanse of the walls creates the impression of whole space. Arches that are running the dome, staggering towards the arches of the side aisles. It is still the best condition for the light through the windows of the drum.

The researchers suggest that the builders still trying to reproduce the appearance of an ancient temple, as the features of this building can be traced in plants pre-Mongol Russia.

The walls of the temple completely covers the frescoes, cleared by restorers in the Soviet period. The painting was done in the middle of XVII century, commissioned by the Russian patriarch Joseph. In the cathedral of the artists worked in Moscow under the leadership of Master Mark Matveeva.

In the arch of the apse it is one of the largest mural compositions. It reflects a story that reveals the main sacrament - the transformation of bread and wine into the flesh and blood of the Savior. Sacraments are the angels. Probably for this reason, an incredible number of colorful images gave the name of the composition of the Grand exit.

The right and left on the wall is visible apsidnoy composition on the subject of Communion of the Apostles by Christ. On the front plane of the chancel arch - a fresco representing a huge painting on the theme of the Assumption. The narration of the deeds of the Virgin continued in the mural on the south wall of the cathedral. It provides a set of symbolic images of miracles that are associated with the life and posthumous by Our Lady of Aparecida. The researchers noted the presence in the painting of the walls of the cathedral image of Vladimir princes, including Bogolyubsky.

The angular cross vault with large images of Christ, the Father and the Mother of God. But the most vivid impression of the Last Judgment scene, located on the western wall of the temple. She performed superbly. Artists were able to successfully overcome the complexity of the plot and create a clear, complex composition, comprehensible to the viewer. In making the compositions used cherry-red, purple-violet, blue-green and golden hues. Forms honed image, real and fantastic creatures look elegant and fragile. Celestials and few people alarmed. Being in harmony with the interior of the cathedral, the painting presents a joyful mood, despite the grim nature of the plot.

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