Magura Cave
   Photo: Cave Magura

In the north-western Bulgaria, near the village and the town of Belogradchik Rabisha, it is one of the largest and undoubtedly the most beautiful and famous caves of the country - Magura. It was formed in limestone Rabisha mound at a height of 461 m above sea level. The age of onset of the cave formation - 15 million. Years. Once through Magura a river, but there was a failure and the river changed its course, forming a cave near the lake.

The interior space is divided into Magura main gallery and three side branches. Impressive dimensions Triumphant room 128 in length, 58 - 28 and a width - height. The room is regularly used for musical concerts. Today, open plot with a total length of about 2, 6 km: to explore the maze will take at least five hours.

No less impressive size and Hall Fallen pine (102h48h14), in which the eponymous stalagmite - 11, 4 m long and 6 m in diameter. You can see also stalagmite Dragon (height 2, 6 m). In the center of the hall is another Big stalacton - kolonnopodobnoe education, due to the juxtaposition of stalactites and stalagmites. His height - 20 m and diameter at the base - 4m.

But not only the abundance of Magure stalacton, stalactites and stalagmites makes it a unique natural site that attracts large numbers of tourists. Cave has long been a subject of attention of scientists. The first archaeological excavations, which resulted in the found objects of prehistoric life have been conducted B. Mihov in 1927. In the 70 studies he engaged Archaeological Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Science and History Museum of the town of Vidin. In Magure were found abundant evidence of ancient human being here: clay houses, stoves, knives, scrapers, awls, ornaments made of animal bones, stone and pottery. The finds belong to the late Paleolithic (100-40 thousand. BC. E.).

In addition, scientists have discovered more than 700 samples of rock art - the figure of people, animals, plants, sun and stars. It is the most ancient traces of primitive art period in Europe.

One of the halls of Magura is used for storage in vivo shampanizirovannogo and red wine, as the cave microclimate is ideal for creating in her cellar.

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