Vlasievskaya church
   Photo: Church Vlasievskaya

In Novgorod there is the ancient Church of St. Blaise. It is located in the northern part of the Person of the end, which is 250 meters from the Novgorod Detintsa, at the intersection of three streets: Large Vlasievskaya, Meretskov Volosov-and-Kaberova Vlasievskaya. Several centuries ago, when she was just built, the church was located on the street Volosovo. And then it was a wooden building.

In ancient times in Russia there was the veneration of St. Blaise is the patron saint of cattle. This Christian cult has incorporated the features of a more ancient worship of the pagan god Veles or Volos. He was the idol of the ancient Slavs, who considered him the patron saint of animals. There is a chance that in ancient times this place was erected the idol of the pagan god. And then over time Blasius church was built here. It was then, when Russia was accepted Orthodoxy, and began to destroy the pagan idols everywhere. Then the street changed its name. Now it became known not Volosov Street and Vlasievskaya.

With regard to the date of construction, the first wooden church was built in 1184. Some sources indicate chronicles also in 1379. The stone church was built in 1407 as a cathedral, chapel of the choir was named in honor of the righteous Joachim and Anna. In 1775 there was a reconstruction of the church. Removed choirs for the church to be better illuminated. It was attached to the western limit of the warm Jacob and three-tiered bell tower. Wooden top was rebuilt only in 1852. Limit John was attached in 1853. Over time, changing the roof on the temple. It becomes a hipped. Expanding the window. In the twenties of the nineteenth century is crumbling ramparts and moat Small earthen city. Therefore, the church is a vast open area of ​​Sofia, in the southern part of it.

Church received considerable damage during World War II in a fire. In the mid-forties of the twentieth century in the church bell tower was dismantled and the porch. At that time, even this structure would carry. According to city authorities, destroyed during the war, the building was administered citizens depressed, disturbed public transport. Ruins spoiled views of the city. That is why it was necessary to them to urgently get rid of. In terms of the demolition of the government were a few ancient buildings, including the church Blasius. It was only through the intervention of the Moscow and Leningrad scientific community, which is made with an active protest against the demolition of the ancient monument of Russian history, the demolition was canceled.

Within five years (1954-1959 gg.), The church was restored. The architect was DM Fyodorov. The church was restored only in the forms of the fifteenth century. Hardly were recreated vaults and dome practically from the ruins. Since they were almost completely destroyed, after restoration acquired a completely different look. This is was not the church. It reminded her of the plan more ancient buildings.

In 1974 the central part of the west facade collapsed. Now you can see the remains of an ancient fresco above the north portal. It is called the "Martyr Blasius." Currently, the church is a vivid monument of Novgorod architecture of the beginning of the fourteenth century. Construction of this small, with one dome square. Her three-lobed complete facades.

Since the restoration of the church took place on the trail of an ancient, original windows were restored. These were in the fourteenth century - wide and with a lancet arch. In addition, it has been found of the ancient portals with pointed completion.

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