Derevyanitsky Monastery
   Photo: Derevyanitsky Monastery

Derevyanitsky Monastery - a former Orthodox monastery belonging to the Novgorod diocese. Located in the district Derevyanitsy in the northern city of Novgorod the Great and on the right bank of the Derevianko. Through the territory of the district Derevyanitsy a road leading to the Khutyn Monastery. At that time it was the area that was located far outside the city of Novgorod and in the territory of which almost no one lived. Modern village Derevyanitsy appeared only in the 14th century as a monastic settlement.

The first mention of the Resurrection Monastery Derevyanitskom refer to 1335, because from that moment the chronicle mentions the construction of a stone church on Derevyanitsy. It is believed that its founder was Saint Moses. In times of the Troubles monastery bells were taken to Sweden. Two bronze bells were raised from the bottom of the Gulf of Finland near the island Mulon land: the first one discovered in 1596, and the second was raised from the bottom until 1987 expedition Maritime Museum in Helsinki.

Soon after, in 1695, in the place where previously there was dilapidated church, it was built new. In the process of construction was attended by two groups of Masons: Nikita Kipriyanova native of Yaroslavl County and Thomas Alekseeva native of Kostroma district. But it took quite a bit of time, and in 1697 built a church destroyed to its very foundations.

In 1700, by order of Metropolitan Job in the church of the Resurrection erected five-domed cathedral. Its location was in the place where previously there were two former church. Similarly, past experience of 1695, construction of the new church was entrusted to the same co-operatives masons. The cathedral is a dvuhstolpnuyu design. The most complex arched construction inside the church are supported by two pillars. It is this architectural feature was especially unusual for the whole of Novgorod architecture, although this feature was common to many buildings of the Volga region, the Moscow region and the Vologda edge of 16-17 centuries. After some time at the temple altars are built. Throughout 1725 just north of the cathedral is being built a stone church of the Assumption of the Virgin, which has a bell tower and a large refectory.

In 1875, it embodied in the life of a three-story stone building of the Diocesan Women's College. In 1913 he belonged to the third class, which does not point to a sign of success prosperity of the monastery cloister. But you can not say that the monastery was especially provincial, as if it existed female diocesan school, as well as school premises which preserved to a greater extent. Every year in the summer on July 10 in Derevyanitskom monastery held particularly well known and respected in Novgorod procession. On this day it honored the memory of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God Konevets, a list of which was in the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This festival always honor and respect the locals all Nearby is the villages.

There is evidence that over the ages 14-15 living in the monastery until her death had left the chair of Archbishop John and Alex. It is known that John took the schema and lived in the monastery during the 1414-1417 period. Archbishop Alexy died in 1389.

With Derevyanitskim monastery associated with the name of St. Arseny Konevsky. Which is the Orthodox ascetic who lived in the 14th century. For quite a long time Resurrection Cathedral was used as a warehouse for finished products the nearby plant producing fiberglass.

Until now Resurrection Cathedral attracts attention with its unique facades that so well decorated using a figure of stone, but the window panes are broken cathedral. Makovka one of the surviving domes missing; Only two of the four remaining domes are in a critical state of emergency. The pre-existing building Women's College Hospital is now the Regional Novgorod narcological dispensary "Catharsis."

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