Church of St. Nicholas in Lipno
   Photo: Church of St. Nicholas in Lipno

Church of St. Nicholas in Lipno is the Orthodox church the late 13th century, as well as a unique monument of stone architecture in Veliky Novgorod. The main altar was consecrated in the name of St. Nicholas, and the limit - in honor of St. Clement.

Beautiful view of the church opens to the east coast, it is in this area, you can see the last monument of medieval Novgorod - the temple of St. Nicholas. The famous church was built in 1292 at the initiative of Archbishop Clement. Church of St. Nicholas is not only the only remains of an ancient monastery Lipno, but is one of the outstanding monuments of Novgorod architecture.

As mentioned, the construction of the church began in 1292. The church was founded in the 8 km south of the city of Novgorod, namely on the island and the shore of Lipno river Plotnitsa Delta Msta.

According to some sources in 1113 it was acquired by the icon of St. Nicholas, which was was painted on a large circular board. According to legend, the icon of a fully healed great Novgorod prince Mstislav. Most likely, it was after this event a little later in 1113 and the monastery was built a wooden church, although precise data about these events has not yet been found.

The stone church, planted in 1292 and completed in 1294, was the first stone church, which was built in the Novgorod land once held great invasion of the Tatars to Russia .  During the construction of the temple architects increasingly focused on a contemporary at the time of pre-Mongolian churches, namely, the Church of the Nativity, located in Peryn Chapel .  For this reason, in the late 12th - early 13th centuries, clearly outlined new ways of relating to the Novgorod architecture .  In this kind of buildings we attempt to rethink and replace the old familiar schemes of temple buildings, which pretended to life Novgorod architects of the second half of the 12th century .  In addition, such a trend has developed transformation until the first half of the 14th century .  Among the new buildings of the temple occupies a special place St. Nicholas in Lipno .  The church is the first time you can see the new construction machinery .  Compared with older equipment, which consisted of alternating rows of stone plinth on a solution of lime with a touch of brick-tsemyanki temple of St. Nicholas is more complicated from Volkhovskaya plate on the sand with lime solution .  In laying Nicholas Church in some places still applied and more advanced brick elongated .  Such a system will soon be laying a characteristic feature of the stone architecture of 14-15 centuries Novgorod . 

Church architect decided to follow the church builders Peryn Chapel and refused to former system posvodnogo coverage. He went on to complete the three-bladed building is a feature of almost all the famous monuments of Novgorod architecture of 14-15 centuries. The architect of the temple of St. Nicholas decided to change the division of the facades blades that will be characteristic of the architecture of the first half of the 14th century. In order to create an artistic image of the Church of St. Nicholas, it was applied elongated proportions that has become a feature of the Novgorod monuments of 14-15 centuries. In the temple with extreme precision were traits that indicate the beginning of a complete rethinking of past architectural traditions.

With regard to the frescoes of the temple of St. Nicholas in Lipno, almost until his death in 1941-1943, it was disguised as a painting record, which was held in 1877. Only small fragments of frescoes of the great late 13th century, which could prevent the restoration of the 19th century, were found in the complete disassembly of the iconostasis in 1930. Frescoes of the temple of St. Nicholas became the intermediary, connecting Novgorod painting has pre-Mongol period and beautiful painting of the second half of the 14th century. The elongated shape is increasingly moving figures, as well as easily and freely slipping folds of garments, flowing around the human figure, said that in the painting of the church of St. Nicholas in the 13-14 centuries, for the most part to anticipate new developments, to flourish in the Novgorod painting after 50-60 years.

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