Hackney Museum
   Photo: Museum of Hackney

Hackney Museum is located in the village of Uglich Ivashkova area. It offers its visitors to see with their own eyes and learn about the history, life, rocks, horses, the role played by the horse in the life of the peasants, as well as participate in a unique show and see a horse that knows how to draw.

The museum was created on the initiative of Darya Alien, his idea builds on the horses themselves. History workhorse - is, in fact, the history of Russia and its herculean fantastic and epic horses - Russian, Vladimir, Soviet Heavy Draft, as well as a unique breed - Bashkir, vyat, Yakut, Altay, and others that have almost disappeared.

In the courtyard of the "Other World" currently lives nine horses. Each of them has its own history, and not always successful. Someone she sad. The horse named Sonya it - love. In Tutaev from Belarus had to bring the stallion, but he flatly refused to go on a journey without a mare - he even crumbled two horse transport in the board in protest. When his side was the Sonia, he immediately calmed down and went on the road. But Tutaev receiving party could not accept the contents of two animals at once, so Sonia went to Ivashkova.

Some horse owners Museum workhorse Daria Alien and her husband, Alexander purchased through online Horse Protection Society "Ekvihelp." Animals in the museum - hand and are very affectionate and sociable. They can be safely touched, and even stroke. But all of them are unique, each has its own character, its own history.

The star of the museum is the Orlik, two-year colt, who took over from his mistress irresistible craving for art .  Once the foal, who was carrying in his mouth all in a row, gave teeth brush and showed an easel; Orlik, without thinking twice, he immediately put the brush on the canvas and drew a line .  Since then Orlik is the headliner of all excursions .  He even came to be called differently - Osia as a real intellectual .  Osya draws on mood: once with pleasure, sometimes, as if doing a favor .  When Osya nervous, then smears produce sharp and short, when it is calm, then - smooth .  From under the brush stallion has left about forty paintings .  The most interesting paintings are in the museum's collection .  It hosts an interesting museum include those that include randomly scattered strokes can be seen any figures .  For example, the collection of museum workers left for the painting "Lady dancing the can-can", "person", "Impressions of breakage tractor fence" .  The last figure is absolutely clear you can see the two tracks and a clear white letter "X" .  Daria says that the painting is written for Easter . 

The museum exposition is also possible to get acquainted with ammunition and supplies for the horses, which were used by Russian peasants in their daily work: carts, sledges, yokes, plows, harrows, and others. All exhibits are Daria and Alexander collected the crumbs of the surrounding villages.

In the museum you can also hear interesting stories on the theme of peasant life that are associated with these animals. One of the excursions in the museum is dedicated to the place of the horse in the life of the peasants. It tells the story of the appearance of horses in Russia, beliefs, customs and celebrations that are in some way connected with horses.

Guests of the museum during the excursions can experience the atmosphere of the 19th century peasant house, go to the sledge-cart-shed, ride on horseback and try koumiss - a drink of fermented mare's milk. Museum visitors can also take part in the animation program "Horses and humans."

In addition, there are regularly held workshops for saddling, during which you can learn what you need to seat, what they are and what their differences. Here you can try yourself to ride the horse under the supervision of an instructor; by harnessing, where you can gain skills in harnessing the horse arc one-horse harnessing, to get acquainted with its components, learn to control the horse reins; Clearing the hoof, where you can learn how to care for a horse's hoof with a special rasp.

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