The underground lake Melissani
   Photo: The underground lake Melissani

On the east coast of the island of Kefalonia near the town of Sami Melissani cave is amazing and its picturesque underground lake. This place is considered one of the most beautiful natural sights in Greece.

The cave consists of two spacious rooms, flooded with water and the island in the center. The approximate age of the underwater lake is 20 thousand years, and its maximum depth is 14 m. Body of one of the rooms was destroyed in the earthquake, so now you can watch the amazing play of colors of light and water. On a clear sunny day the light rays fall into the cave and, penetrating the thick crystal clear water create a wonderful range of colors from sky-blue to deep blue. The second hall is full of stalactites of different shapes and have artificial lighting (especially for tourists).

An interesting feature is its underground lake water, or rather, a mixture of fresh and salt water. This salt water enters the lake with a depth of 30 timetrovoy previously having done in the earth road 14 km from Katavotres (opposite side of the island). Once in the body of water in one end and passing through the lake waters of the sea, made a huge loop back to its roots.

According to local legend, the ancient cave Melissani was inhabited by nymphs. It is believed that the cave got its name in honor of one of them. However, the Greeks always associated the most beautiful and picturesque places with nymphs. Probably the cave was used as an ancient sanctuary, as it privacy and divine beauty of creating a special atmosphere and the desired surroundings. Over time, many, many years about the forgotten cave, and only in 1951 it was accidentally discovered. With its thorough study it was found many valuable artifacts (among them, and clay figurines of the god Pan), which are now kept in the Archaeological Museum of Argostoli.

The cave was opened to the public in 1963 after the end of research. For tourists was equipped with a special tunnel, which is expected at the end of the boat for an amazing walk through the underground world Melissani.

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