Aglona Basilica
   Photo: Aglona Basilica

Aglona Basilica is the center of pilgrimage and of Catholicism in Latvia. The famous Basilica of Aglona is situated in the village between the cities of Daugavpils and Rezekne in Latgale - eastern region of Latvia.

In 1699, landlords and Ieva Dadziborg Shostovitskie urged the Dominican order of monks here from Vilnius, and a wonderful location in the middle of lakes and Tsirishu Egles church built of wood. In the years 1768-1789 on the site of the old church was built a brick baroque church with its adjacent structure of the monastery. The basilica was built in honor of Our Lady of the Assumption. Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary was placed above the main altar. It was created in the XVII century by an unknown artist.

In 1863 the Russian authorities had banned the admission of new novices in the Catholic orders. At the end of the XIX century in Aglona Dominican did not last, and the church passed into the control of diocesan priests. In 1920 he was ordained the first bishop of silt Latvia - Anthony Springovich that turned into the center of Aglona revived Riga bishopric.

In July 1944, upon the occurrence of a priest he had to remove the front icon and save it in a barn on a farm. Later the icon was returned to the altar of the church.

In 1980 Aglona church celebrated its 200th anniversary. And in honor of this holiday, Pope John Paul II awarded it the status of «basilica minoris», which means "minor basilica".

Two-towered baroque church is a three-nave basilica shestistolpny whose presbytery (elevation to the altar) closed polygonal apse. The lower tier of the magnificent main facade, oriented to the south, is punctuated multicolumn portal frame, which resembles theatrical scenery. The decoration groin arches, vaults, walls and pillars of the interior used mainly rocaille decoration, created by the layer of plaster in the grisaille technique. Supports the arches of the side aisles, which have a strong base and pedestals, are interpreted as part of the arches and lack imposts and capitals.

The composition includes a two-tier central altar letner, window openings and the spherical ceiling of the apse. The altar stands a beautiful location multiscale order elements, supplemented by figures of saints, rocaille putti and decorative details in the classical style. Classicism also seen in the construction and decoration of the side altars located on the transverse axis of the church and the pulpit. The interior preserved painting of the late XVIII - early XIX centuries, wooden sculptures and organ (XIX century).

Under the direction of Dean Andrejs Aglonietisa in 1992-1993 basil and adjacent territory were reconstructed. In January 1993, in the church choir was created «Magnificat», consisting of 40 members (organists, musicians, doctors, teachers from all over Eastern Latvia), conductor and artistic director of which was the organist Ieva Lazdane. The choir's repertoire includes more than 200 works. This is - the spiritual chorales, cantatas, psalms, masses and secular music. The choir takes part in all the major religious holidays. During the meeting, the Taize movement in late 1993 - early 1994's choir «Magnificat» in Munich. In 1996, at Easter Choir visited the holy places in Europe: Zakopane in Poland Alteting in Germany Lazalett and Lourdes in France, Montserrat, Spain.

September 9, 1993 in Aglona visited Pope John Paul II. He celebrated Pontifical Mass, which was attended by about 380 000 pilgrims.

The most important holiday of Aglona Basilica is the 15th of August - the Day of the Assumption of Our Lady. It annually attracts about 150,000 pilgrims.

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Aglona Basilica