   Photo: Fiscardo

Fiskardo - a picturesque Greek town situated on the northern coast of the largest of the Ionian islands of Kefalonia, about 32 km from Argostoli. The name is Fiscardo and the bay, is located in this small port city. During the summer, in the city's harbor berths are many boats, including luxury yachts and fishing boats. There is also a regular ferry service to the islands of Ithaca and Lefkada.

Probably, in the territory of modern Fiscardo in ancient times was the city Panormos mentioned in the 5th century BC Greek historian Herodotus. This hypothesis is confirmed by some of the finds discovered in 2005 during the construction of the shopping complex near the city's harbor. At the end of 2006 during the construction of the hotel were found large Roman-era burial. Among the valuable artifacts were a lot of gold jewelry, ceramics, glass and bronze coins, and much more. Not far from the burial excavated and well-preserved theater, the remains of a residential house, the Roman baths. The observed structure and historical relics dating back to 146 BC - 330 AD Its modern name "Fiscardo" city received during the time of the Frankish rule. It is known that in the 18th century the town harbor had an important economic value.

Fiscardo - one of the few settlements on the island, which has remained virtually intact after the devastating earthquake in 1953. And today we can see there are many well-preserved Venetian buildings, which create a unique atmosphere and flavor of the Mediterranean town. Lots of great restaurants and cafes located on the waterfront. Here you can not only relax and enjoy the excellent Greek cuisine, but also enjoy the beautiful panoramic views of the neighboring island of Ithaca and the white yachts in the port. Not far from the city are excellent pebble beaches with crystal clear water.

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