Town hall Telc
   Photo: Town hall Telc

On the central square of Telc, named after the former owner and manager of the city of Hradec Zachariáš, among the gingerbread houses, located on the left side of the square, is the local City Hall for a long time served as a meeting place of the city council. Learn it very simply: the facade of the Town Hall is decorated with four arches, while the rest of the houses have only three archways. Toothed gables and a small tower, topped by a compact dome, onion dome, complete the image of a medieval structure for the creation of which had been bought and rebuilt two merchant mansion. Financing the construction of the City Hall took over Zacharias. He also invited to work in his own castle architect Baldassare Maggi, who was asked to do and the local town hall. As a result, in 1574 the City Hall acquired its modern look.

One of the houses that are part of the Town Hall, was used for meetings of the City Council and for the organization of balls for the local nobility from 1443. Therefore we can say that the municipality remained in the same place where he had just become more spacious and comfortable.

In our time, in the Town Hall Information Office is located. This is where experienced hikers begin their acquaintance with the city of Telc. You can get a free plan for the historic city with marked on it, and places to buy postcards, magnets, guides and other souvenirs. Caught in the Town Hall, pay attention not only to counter the tourist center, but also to the environment. For example, the Town Hall door was made centuries ago, her still set the old castle.

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