Area Zachariáš
   Photos: Area Zachariáš

The main square of Telč formed in the XVI century. It occupies a narrow space between two bodies of water, and has an elongated shape. Once on the square, many tourists believed if she runs for at least a kilometer. This is certainly not the case. The illusion is created by the length of the Renaissance and Baroque houses lined up in a row and competing with each other neat ornate facades.

The designer of the historic part of the city is the Margrave of Zacharias of Hradec, who ruled the city very well. He lived in the local castle, which closes the area with the narrow side. For aesthetic reasons it made the central area of ​​a large city: its dimensions are several times higher than the space required for the normal market trading. Nowadays the area is named after its creator.

All merchants' mansions in the area combined with their arcades, so on a rainy day in these galleries you can walk freely, without even getting wet. Each house is interesting in its own way, but especially noteworthy houses №15 and №61. Their facades are decorated with paintings, executed in the style of sgraffito.

On the eastern side of the square you can see a few fountains and Plague Column, which is somewhat lost on the background of bright fairy houses. Fountain, topped by a sculpture of St. Margaret, was established in 1611 and was previously used as a reservoir for drinking water. Another fountain was built in the later period - in 1827. Marian column was set at the beginning of the XVIII century. The famous sculptor David Lipartia ordered her not a city but a wealthy Philistine. Also located in the square gallery painter Jan Zrzavý and the local City Museum, the exhibition which tells the story of Telc. Side facade of the temple, and here comes the name of Jesus.

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