Arched Bridge "Kaarsild"
   Photo: Arched Bridge "Kaarsild"

In the 18th century, next to the Town Hall Square was built a stone bridge "Kivisild» (Tartu Kivisild), dedicated to the Empress Catherine II. In 1775, in Tartu there was a big fire, in which burned much of the city center. The Empress has allocated funds for the restoration of the city, including the construction of mosta.Raboty on construction of the bridge began in spring 1776. To move the bridge was opened in 1784. Construction took place under the guidance of IA and IK Tsaklovskogo Siegfried. The bridge, which has become the king's gift to the city, was built of granite blocks. Construction of convicts worked - participants of the Pugachev rebellion. The bridge was with two arches, the middle part was lifting. He was the first in the Baltic countries, the stone bridge. His support was knocked text: "The River, stop its course! Catherine told me. " Built Stone bridge became a symbol of the city of Tartu.

Unfortunately, during the Second World War, the bridge was destroyed. Its fragments were removed only during the construction of this foot arch bridge. Concrete arches of the new bridge rests on the foundation of the former Stone Bridge. New arched bridge "Kaarsild» (Kaarsild), connecting the banks of the River Emajõgi, was opened to pedestrians in 1960. In 2004, next to the bridge set the layout of the former Stone Bridge. In St. Petersburg has a twin brother of the stone bridge in Tartu. It Lomonosov bridge on r.Fontanke, built in 1785-1787 years.

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