Ethnographic complex "Ataman"
   Photo: Ethnographic complex "Ataman"

Ethnographic complex "Ataman" is the largest and a unique open-air museum in Russia. It is located on the outskirts of Taman, in the area of ​​Bald Mountain. The tourist complex is a museum, in the form of the Kuban Cossack village in full size.

Museum village was opened in September 2009. The complex recreates the atmosphere of the Kuban Cossack life. There merged together past and present. Cossack village situated on the banks of the bay. At the highest point is located at the entrance to the chapel. On the territory of 20 hectares spread out whole streets have been built and equipped: watchtowers, the main square, market, mill, bridge, church, pub, wells, apiary, hitching post, a school.

Before the visitors in the "ataman" will open the doors of many farmsteads and cottages (blacksmith, the winemaker, the fisherman, saddler, fire, ataman, the Village Board, a Cossack, a weaver, a gunsmith, clerks and others). Each building has its own history and legends. Guides working in the ethnographic complex, will show guests the most interesting places and tell many fascinating facts and stories from the life of the village. For lovers of riding on the right is the entrance courtyard "Izvoznichya."

Visitors ethnographic complex "Ataman" is waiting for a sightseeing stroll through the old streets of the village and church, most of which are open for free viewing. Each courtyard thematic and individual, for example, "in the house of a blacksmith," master in the eyes of visitors will make a commemorative coin, and the other farmstead tourists can learn to bake cakes and pancakes on a real Russian oven. Also here you can try Kuban cuisine. Above the tourist complex stands a chapel.

Very often, in the territory of the ethnographic complex "Ataman" held various exhibitions and festivals "Kuban - Artisan," "Cossack cuisine", "Legends Taman" and many others. Guests have the opportunity to participate in the game programs, hilarious fun and humorous competitions.

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