Scientific geological museum named after AA Chernov
   Photo: Science Museum of Geology AA Chernov

Scientific geological museum named after AA Chernoff was organized in 1968. But the question of its creation began to raise much earlier. One of those who has repeatedly raised this question, he was Alexander Chernov. They even had made up a model program called "museum of local lore." The task of the museum had to be reduced to the excitation of the local population of interest in inanimate nature, including and his native land, his familiarity with the practical value of the objects of inanimate nature, as well as the processes occurring in it.

By the time the organization of the Institute of Geology in 1958, it has accumulated large collection of stone material, which is kept by the staff. Of course the accounting system of collections was not. Many of them have disappeared without trace. Therefore, the need to create a brewing museum. In 1969 it was issued a decree on the need to take the case to the museum collection. Since then, the process of creation and development of the geological museum began to gain momentum.

The first decade of the museum as a repository existed collections. When you create a basic museum fund immediately selected the most spectacular models for the creation of future exposure. Exhibit of the museum was opened in May 1978, the 20th anniversary of the Institute of Geology. The author of the first exposure and theme-exposition plan became MV Fishman. Design works engaged artist V. angry. In the end, it was created quite compact but rich in terms of material thematic exposition of minerals north-east of the European part of the USSR. In 1980 he published the first catalog of the museum, which were first given information about the collections of flora and fauna of the USSR Phanerozoic stored in the museum.

A characteristic feature of the geological museum is, what is shown only local patterns that characterize the minerals and the geological structure of the north-east of the European part of the Soviet Union and northern part of the Urals. It was originally planned to organize at the Museum 7 departments. In 1988 he was ready to general department of the museum, as well as the Department of organic evolution and structure of the earth's crust, the department of mineral resources, which was taken more than a thousand exhibits. In 1989, the departments were opened lithology, petrology, tectonics. In 1990 he opened the mineralogical department.

In 2007, on the basis of a private collection of articles made of precious stones AP Borovinskikh and with the financial support of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Komi Republic was organized an exhibition hall "Noah's Ark". For 25 years, AP Borovinskikh collected stone products that depict insects, birds, animals.

Currently, the museum exhibition area of ​​350 sq.m. In the opening stages of the main hall of the highlights of the study sites, important discoveries, the visitor is acquainted with the Geological Institute and outstanding geologists.

Geological Museum - is an academic institution. His exhibitions designed for scientific and research level of presenting information to the visitor. To expand the range of visitors developed various options for tours that are specially adapted to different age groups.

Now the main museum visitors - students and schoolchildren. It hosts a local history lesson for younger students. For high school themed tours on the edge of minerals and the development of life on the planet. There is also classes for students of higher educational institutions of Syktyvkar in geological, environmental and geographical areas. On the basis of the museum conduct lectures for students of the Physics Department of Syktyvkar State University geological disciplines, State Pedagogical Institute, the Forestry Institute. Geological Museum is a permanent training base for students of the Junior Academy of Komi SC. By processing the collection of museum collections, students under the guidance of museum staff write term papers and dissertations.

Arranged in a geological museum and work with delegations from abroad. The museum was visited by representatives from more than twenty countries. When meeting with visiting Republic of Geological Museum - an integral part of the cultural program the guests of the region.

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