Panteleimon church
   Photo: Church of St. Panteleimon

Since his return in 1991, the diocese, the Church of St. Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon in St. Petersburg, sometimes called Panteleimon, open to Orthodox worshipers. From the day of the celebration of Epiphany in 1994, here are held regularly worship. Restoration works are underway since 2002. Already restored in its original form facade and dome, work continues on the mural in the church.

Panteleimon Church, referring to the St. Petersburg diocese, is an architectural monument. It was built in the Baroque style and is located near the street Pestel and Salt Lane (Pestel, house 2-A). Just as St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral, the Church of St. Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon dedicated to the courage and the glory of Russian soldiers. The very name of the church gave the name Panteleimon Bridge across the Fontanka River. Panteleimon was called before the street is now called the street Pestel.

The history of this architectural monument begins in 1718, when by decree of Tsar Peter I in front of the Summer Garden was built chapel, consecrated in the name of St. Panteleimon. There came workers to particular shipyard is located nearby, on the Fontanka River. On the day of memory of the Great Martyr, July 27 (old style), in 1714 the Russian fleet Gangut victory over the Swedes, and in 1720 the island Grengam. 2 years after the last event on September 2 was consecrated Mazankova church that replaced the chapel.

Stone church building was built in the Baroque style Anninsky by architect IK Korobov. The construction was from 1735 to 1739 years. The facade of the temple is decorated with Tuscan pilasters. The church has a bell tower, one of the installations covered by a wooden dome tent. Artist G. Ipatov worked on interior decoration, painting the ceiling faces of the saints and the icons painted by the artist A. Kvashnin.

The newly erected church building was consecrated on the day of the temple festival in 1739 July 27 (August 7). Rite held Bishop Ambrose Vologda. Since the heating in the church was not, in 1764 it was built chapel of St.. Catherine, which was heated. Later, in 1782 it was arranged in the refectory. From the Admiralty Board, the church was handed over to the Orthodox Diocese in 1765. Later the building was rebuilt.

In 1834-1835 GG VI project Beretta church was reconstructed in the late Empire style. The facade was complemented by marble reliefs by sculptor A. Loganovsky in 1840.

More than once the temple extends and complements the new features. In 1852 it was completed towards the Fontanka (project Malgina IG). In 1875 - on the part of the former Panteleimon Street (now Pestel) by architect VF Hecker was completed porch, which houses a chapel.

In 1895-1896 the architect EE Anikin (according to other sources Golmdorf IM) added the ensemble by the Neva River the Chapel of the Prince of Chernigov and his son Theodore. In this form the Church of St. Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon still preserved.

For a long time the church was kept very revered icon of St. Panteleimon, the work of the early 18th century. Since the 60s of the 19th century worked here charity, acted as a patron of the children's shelter and women's almshouse. In 1906, it was here that the first was organized in St. Petersburg Church Parish Council. Since 1913 in the building of the church is the Brotherhood of St. Josaphat Belgorod.

The first restoration of the church took place in 1912. Two years later, on the facade of the temple were a memorial marble board with the list of the regiments that fought in the battle at Grengam and Gangut. Later, there was an exhibition that tells about the battles and sailing galley fleet in the Baltic Sea, the courage and heroism of the Russian soldiers, manifested in the battles in the Northern War and the defense of Hanko (Gunn-gut) at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Since 1922 and up to the closing of the May 9, 1936, the church was under the jurisdiction of the "renovators" and personally the leader of this movement Alexander Vvedensky. Later the building Panteleimon church was transferred to the Museum of History and since 1980 it housed the exhibition "Gangutskaya memorial."

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