Anichkov Palace
   Photo: Anichkov Palace

In 1710, to further expand the newly constructed city of St. Petersburg began to distribute land on the banks of the Fontanka River for the construction of country houses. In 1724, one of them got in-law of Alexander Menshikov Anton Deviera, the one which was later elevated to Anichkov Palace. In 1727, after the fall of the great associate of Peter I and his relatives were arrested and exiled to Siberia. Land was confiscated.

The next owner, merchant Lukyanov, after the decree on building Nevsky prospect stone houses, found it more profitable for themselves to sell it to Elizabeth, daughter of Peter I, who ordered him to build a palace, which was the first stone building of Nevsky Prospekt.

The title of his palace shall close the wooden bridge, which was built by the Admiralty Battalion soldiers under the leadership of an officer Anichkova.

Construction of the palace was carried out by architect M . T .  Zemtsova to 1741 on the right bank of the Fontanka in the style of High Baroque .  Eighteen months later he died Zemtsov and management work on the construction of the palace was handed over to his disciple Mr. . D .  Dmitriev, and then B . F .  Rastrelli, which significantly changed the initial plan .  By the spring of 1751 mainly resulted finishing the palace, and it allowed him to consecrate the church .  The building has an H-shaped plan .  The central part - a large three-storey with two tiers of windows hall .  Porch it connects with the side three-storey wings, which is crowned with a ribbed dome onion dome .  The central facade of the palace was turned into Fontanka, not to Nevsky Prospekt .  There is also a front yard in which there was a swimming pool that is associated with the Fontanka canal .  The opposite, west facade of the palace went to a regular garden with pavilions and sculptures .  High porch portico supporting a balcony, decorated with both the facade . 

Interior finishing of the palace was carried out according to the drawings and under the direct supervision of Rastrelli. Paintings were made Antropov, Vishnyakov, Bielski brothers. It was carefully thought out interior of the church, which occupied the third and second floors of a side wing parallel to Nevsky Prospekt. Her penalty plated carved iconostasis was famous for the wealth of the three-tiered baroque ornamentation.

More than two hundred years the palace was constantly changing their masters: in the eighteenth century, it portrayed the empress his favorites, and in the early nineteenth century, when it once again became the property of the Romanov family, a new tradition - a special royal family began to receive it as a wedding gift. After the revolution, there was a museum of history of the city, and later there was constructed the Palace of Pioneers. At this time of the palace were hit particularly hard. Now it employs Palace of Youth Creativity and Anichkov Lyceum.

Also, in the halls of the Anichkov Palace located Anichkov Palace History Museum, which was opened in 1991. The museum regularly hosts exhibitions where the best teachers and students of the Palace of Youth Creativity share their professional success.

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