St. Andrew's deserts
   Photos: St. Andrew's deserts

Not far from the Solovetsky monastery, or rather 5 km in the south-west side, there are two islands, which are conditionally divided into Large and Small Island Zayatsky. The area of ​​the islands of 2, 5 sq. km, and they are significantly different from the other islands of the Solovki archipelago. On these islands there are no woods, swamps or lakes, as well as something majestic, grand and memorable. In these places a lot of tundra vegetation, which is represented by low shrubs, berry bushes, dwarf trees, mosses and herbs; In addition, there are all over the boulders and stones placers. On the Big Island Zayatsky of the highest point is Signal Hill, whose height is 31 meters.

The base of St. Andrew the desert was in the 18th century. The construction of the new church, consecrated in honor of one of St. Andrew, was directly associated with a visit to Solovki of Peter the great king. In the summer of 10 August 1702 on the marina Big Island Zayatsky landed thirteen warships. Peter, accompanied by servants and persons close to the small boat went straight to the Solovetsky monastery. The arrival of the emperor knew Archimandrite Firs, who he meets. As soon as Peter went up to the monastery, he bowed to her, and at all times attended the liturgy.

According to the decree of the Great sovereign, on the Big Island Zayatsky, which was located next to the fleet for several days, it was built a small wooden chapel, consecrated in honor of St. Andrew, the patron saint of all the Russian Navy.

On the island it was located not only the monastery port, but also the necessary hardware building, which became a place of safe haven for all travelers. Built of large boulders harbor with a small harbor and stone chambers were built on the island during the time of your stay here, abbot of St. Philip - during the 1548-1566 period. Before our time well preserved boulder cellar, built in the 19th century, and a small the hut. In the coastal areas of the island are many different votive made of wood crosses, the erection of which was the work of seafarers.

On this island, as on other Solovetsky Islands Solovetsky camp I was. They became known as "the island punitive missions", which inevitably die tortured prisoners.

After the Solovetsky monastery life again revived in 1992. The great Russian Patriarch Alexy II gave his blessing to perform the Divine Liturgy in all the remaining and preserved churches and chapels of the Solovetsky monastery. In the summer of 13 July 1994, to celebrate the date of the Council of the Twelve Apostles, the first time was conducted Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew, bred on the Big Island Zatskom.

To date, all the monks of St. Andrew the desert do not live in those places. Here are preserved not only the temple, but also all the farm buildings, which still require global repair work. In the summer here divine services, but this is not always passed. Yet every year July 13 - the day of the holy holiday - monastery monks come to the island, and as previously conducted Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew. In the summer, there is often possible to meet the pilgrims, and in the temple, you can light a candle, but as soon as the last pilgrim leaves the temple, it is necessary to put out the candle, because the temple is built of wood. From the temple, going 300 meters, you can get to the sacred spring, which is the only insipid throughout Zayatsky Big Island. All who came to this place is sure to gain from a frame of holy water.

In winter, when everything is covered with a thick sea ice, the monks arrives at St. Andrew's deserts, so that peace and quiet to pray at the holy site.

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