   Photo: Dvigrad

Dvigrad - one of the oldest walled cities in Croatia, located near the town of Kanfanar. Dvigrad is located in Draga valley. Lim bay, which passes the gorge is a natural boundary between the areas of Porec and Pula.

Dvigrad known since ancient times. In the gorge, which is the city that once held the most important trade route in Istria. At the beginning of its existence, the town consisted of two settlements. But at the moment, preserved only one of them (he Dvigrad). A settlement Parentin, which is on the south of the gorge, is completely destroyed.

Since the days of the Roman Empire Dvigrad was considered part of the province of Istria, and its location was profitable from the economic point of view. In those days, the city flourished, but after the collapse of the Roman Empire Dvigrad also lost its importance. Later, due to epidemics ravaged the land was almost completely destroyed.

In VI-VII centuries Istria land again became populated by different peoples - the Slovenes and Croats. But only in the Middle Ages Benedictine monks mastered these lands and brought them to order. In the XI century in the city was laid fortress from the XIV century because of the constant wars with the Venetian Republic fortress was subjected to frequent sieges. The city fell in 1413. Venice appointed in its territory of its ruler. Dvigrad had to pay 390 liras annually.

From 1544 until the end of the XVI century in this area is constantly collide Austria and Venice. Upon termination of these wars Dvigrad began to be attacked by pirates Uskok (defectors from the Slavic lands), but they capture the city completely failed. In 1650, an Italian bishop Tommasini Dvigrad found in only a few families and a strong desolation. Later, in 1714 Dvigrad finally became a "dead city" because even the Basilica of St. Sophia was abandoned wells have dried up, the city was overgrown with weeds.

Nowadays preserved city gates and ramparts line, as well as the once huge watchtowers. The basilica was completely destroyed in the XIX century, but the ruins of some city buildings. Well preserved central gate Dvigrad. Inside the fortress there were only ruins of buildings.

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Lim canal