The Temple of Artemis
   Photo: The Temple of Artemis

One of the most interesting sights of the Turkish town of Side is a temple of Artemis. It is located in the south of the peninsula, near the sea, and is very close to the temple of Apollo. Temples were built at the same time and devoted the most important gods of the city. In those days, local residents Apollo was the incarnation of the Sun, and his sister Artemis personified the moon.

According to Greek mythology, Artemis was a virgin, and always young goddess of the hunt. She was the patron of all life on Earth, giving happiness in marriage and assisted in childbirth. The goddess of fertility and female chastity and many like her goddess protects women and children, eases pain of dying, it is associated with both the birth and death.

Temple of Artemis Temple of Apollo, a little more length and width of its rectangular base are 35 and 20 meters, respectively. The height of the church about nine meters, and Corinthian columns are decorated parapets. It is assumed that the temple was built in the second century.

The Temple of Artemis was built entirely of marble and decorated in the Corinthian style. Unfortunately him only five columns, but they make such a strong impression that they have become one of the most recognizable and popular characters of the Mediterranean coast of Turkey.

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