The Museum of Ancient Art Side
   Photo: The Museum of Ancient Art Side

The ancient city of Side, situated on a green picturesque peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea, is considered one of the major tourist centers of Turkey. The word "Side" from Greek means "pomegranate" - a symbol of fertility.

It has long been known that Side - this is a real example of a city-museum under the open sky and the largest archaeological site in Turkey. To date, most of very valuable finds discovered in the area of ​​the city at different times, are in the Museum of the city, which is always ready to introduce tourists to these amazing artifacts. A large number of the exhibits of the museum were found in the years 1947-1967 during the excavations of the ancient city under the direction of Arif Mufid Mansela.

Looking around the halls of the Museum of Side, do not hurry: because in each room hides the charm and mystery of a certain epoch. In carrying out excavations in Side Point reliefs, sarcophagi and Roman statues. Most of the statues, unfortunately, lacks goals, as Christians were opposed to idolatry.

A unique part of the collection are children's sarcophagus with the figure looking out the door the dog embodies grief-stricken mother, butterflies and swallows - symbolic images of innocent children's souls. You can also see a bronze statue of Artemis. Right-handed goddess takes the arrow from the quiver, and the left hand holds the bow. Her hair gathered at the nape. Also featuring the head of Apollo, made of white marble. Divided in the middle of the forehead hair slicked back wavy locks. The forehead of the statue has the shape of a triangle, the nose is quite wide, but his mouth slightly open. The back of the head broken off and lost.

In the first room of the museum you expect such unique items like weapons bas-reliefs of the Hellenistic period, the altar of the Roman period and a sundial. In the second room are exposed torsos Roman period. In the third hall located amphorae, statues, bas-reliefs and inscriptions of the Hellenistic period and in the fourth - the tomb statue of Athena, Hermes, Gigii, Apollo, Nicky, portraits and torsos.

Up to now in Side remains of an amphitheater on sixteen thousand spectators, a statue of Emperor Vespasian, Temple Fortune, agora, fountain, Roman baths (which at the moment is an archaeological museum), the aqueduct and the necropolis.

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