The monumental fountain Nymphaeum
   Photo: Monumental fountain Nymphaeum

Many of the known works of ancient sculptors and unique architectural monuments in Side survived to our time. The rich historical heritage carefully guarded by the Turkish government. One of these monuments is the Great monumental fountain Nymphaeum, built as the central gate of the city, in honor of the Emperor Vespasian and his son Titus. It is believed that the building was created in the second century.

Nymphaeum, otherwise known as the fountain, located in the northeast of the city walls, directly in front of a large gate. The fountain is the first structure that sees the traveler entered the old part of the city through the front gate, so when his attention was paid to the construction of an aesthetic component. At the base of the fountain is a large pool in which water flowed nearby Manavgat River, arriving at the aqueduct.

Today we can see only two floors of the monument, but it is assumed that the fountain was a three-story, and its height and width reaches 5 and 35 meters, respectively. In ancient times, the fountain Nymphaeum was very impressive structure. The architecture used in fountain marble niches, in each of them, shimmering in the sun, streaming water flows. The design of the monument complement Corinthian columns and exquisite statues. Water for this extraordinarily beautiful source fed with the help of the old city aqueduct.

From the outside, the fountain was faced with marble and decorated with original frescoes. The museum of Side and is now kept many interesting statues and decorative elements of the monumental fountain.

Despite the impact of the construction time brings to us the spirit of that time and imagine how it looked many years ago will not be difficult. The charm of antiquity and majesty Neifeuma delight even the experienced traveler.

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