The city walls Side
   Photo: The fortress walls Side

Side, one of the oldest cities in Turkey dates back to the seventh century BC. The city was a very important port, so repeatedly conquered. The fact that the city is constantly in danger of forcing local residents to build walls that completely surrounded the city from both the land and the one from the sea. The towers and walls, which are located on the landward side are preserved in good condition, despite the fact that in this area are frequent earthquakes. But strengthening from the sea, unfortunately, survived far worse. Gate near the eastern walls of the ancient times were a gateway. Immediately behind them outside the city walls were three niches monumental source, the finest facade, and before him the pool water.

The walls were built in the 2nd century BC. They served to defend and protect the city from outside enemies, and after numerous battles they have had to finish building. That is why they were built of stone rubble heterogeneous Hellenistic, Byzantine and Roman periods. The walls were equipped with battlements and turrets to repel attacks. The walls surrounding the city, located on a peninsula, together with the internal walls of the city stretches for six kilometers. The height of the walls in the northeast of the city is ten meters. The width of the walls of the sea in some parts up to three meters. On the walls of the city for observation and defense thirteen towers were built, some of which are semi-circular, and the rest of the square.

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