Manavgat Waterfall
   Photo: Waterfall Manavgat

The town of Manavgat is located on both sides of the Manavgat River in the valley of the same name. Manavgat River originates on the western slopes of the Taurus Mountains, and then flowing along the mountain slopes, flows into the reservoir - Manavgat Barazh and Oymapynar. Above the city a few kilometers on the river naturally formed several waterfalls. The river then flows through the city, then enters the coastal plain, and finally empties into the Mediterranean Sea. Manavgat Waters are deep and pure, they are filled with underground springs in the mountain canyons through which the river passes. Therefore, even in the summer the water in the river is cold.

Manavgat River divides the city into two parts. Waterfall and River delta - the most significant natural wealth of the place. In addition, it opens on the beauty artificial reservoir oymapinar, enclosed by huge rocks, and the area surrounding it to the south of the region, in a valley between Torossami where flows the river Manavgat. Plain covers an area of ​​2,500 square kilometers and is the most high-yielding in Antalya. There are grown primarily cotton, and also, barley, rye, wheat, and 45 varieties of fruit and vegetables. Along with this, in recent years there are engaged in cultivation of greenhouse flowers. The whole eastern part of the valley is occupied by banana plantations.

The name Manavgat comes from the word Manauva (which means in the ancient language luvi "temple of the goddess"). In different periods of history, the city was used as a sacred place for the overall Seleuekii and Side. In antiquity, the area was not inhabited for the first time traveler Evliya Celebi, who stayed near today's village near Sarysu Gyuneydogu, informs us in his travel notes about hunting tigers. After the Battle of Malazgirt in 1071, the Turkmen nomads in large groups made their way through the Taurus Mountains to the Mediterranean coast, and finally settled here. Turkmens took the west side of the river Manavgat Tidayogullar, while Senir Bey settled on the east side. Place the settlement took the form of the estate, which has developed over time, the population increased, and in 1913 here at Manavgat, was founded by the district town of the same name.

Finest Manavgat Waterfall is the main and most visited place Manavgat River - one of the symbols of the country. Its streams, falling from a height, are the tourists tableau. Falls in 2010 was visited by about one million tourists.

Waterfall stands at the level of five meters. He was not above Dyudena, however, no less famous in Turkey. Images of the waterfall can be seen on the Turkish paper bills mid-twentieth century.

This wide, having a width of about forty meters waterfall, is a truly unique spectacle. The murmur of its water fills the soul with peace and confidence, and cheerful splashes, which are scattered throughout the valley, bring a sense of joy and freshness. In this cool, sunny paradise at the same time there is a large number of fish restaurants, stalls with souvenirs, recreation and cafeterias. Access to the charge. However, despite this, there is always a lot of people.

Sitting in the restaurant under the shady trees, you can enjoy the freshness of the waterfall and try trout. Dining in a restaurant a real pleasure. In this regard, the Turks generally well done. Of great importance for them to have the aesthetics while eating. No wonder many Turkish restaurants are located in such a way to the restaurant a beautiful view. Immediately comes to mind in Antalya restaurants overlooking the harbor. People have a rest from the heat in the shade of the trees, listening to the noise of murmuring water and enjoy the view of the waterfall.

They love to visit Manavgat and the Turks themselves, so, unlike other tourist destinations, there are classical teahouse. And the Turks know where you can taste the best dishes from the main product of local restaurants - trout. Trout is found in these places quite a lot. The fish caught right here in the clean fresh waters of the river. In the south of the region in areas Sorgun Titreyengol are tourist facilities that meet the requirements of world standards.

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