Fortress Madara
   Photo: Fortress Madara

Madara fortress - an old building, located at the Madara plateau on top of the mountain. It's located on the territory of the Archaeological Reserve Madara. Strengthening was built around the IV century, during the period of late antiquity, and lasted until 1386 (or 1388), when it was captured by the Turks.

The name "Madara", according to some scientists, there is another name - Majar (Madzharskaya fortress), which, in turn, was short-lived period when the strengthening is dominated by the Hungarians seized it. Others believe that the building was named after the Roman general Madara, who famously defeated the Scythians during their invasion of Moesia - ancient land, which is located between the Balkans and the Lower Danube.

The fortress was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt. After its capture by the Turks, it has come to desolation. It has survived only fragments of the ramparts, as well as some residential buildings and farm buildings on the territory of the fortifications.

To get to the top, where stands the castle, you can climb the 386 steps cut through the rock stairs.

Not far from the ruins of the ancient fortification is another archaeological site - the famous Madara Horseman (landmark, listed UNESCO World Heritage Site).

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