Archaeological site "Madara Horseman"
   Photo: Archaeological site "Madara Horseman"

Archaeological site "Madara Horseman" is carved into the mountain image of a rider on horseback. It is located near the village of Madara, about 20 kilometers from the town of Shumen.

He discovered in 1872, archaeologist, geographer, ethnographer and artist of Hungarian origin Felix Kanets. The study of this monument of antiquity worked founder of the archaeological destinations in Bulgaria Karel Shkorpil. According to the most common version, on the rock shows the Thracian horseman. Presumably, an ancient ruler Khan Tervel. Earlier, the locals there was a belief that is carved on Mount St. George.

Madara Horseman is situated at an altitude of 23 meters on a hundred-meter cliff, which once was considered sacred. This is a composition of several figures, the origin of which scientists refer to the IX century.

The rider on horseback, dressed in clothes and hat. In his right hand he holds a spear that pierces the affected lion, and the left - a reason. Following Connick dog runs, which in ancient times was considered a sacred animal among the local people. Modelled figure - it is a unique example of medieval Bulgarian art period. Rider symbolizes the strength and power of the state.

On both sides of the rock composition also has carved the rock inscriptions relating to three different periods - from 705 till 801 years. They speak about the important events in the political life of the Bulgarian state.

The monument is located in the archeological reserve "Madara", where you can also see the sanctuary, a pagan temple (the temple), palace, residential buildings and other ancient buildings. At the foot of the cliff is the entrance to a large cave in which the Thracians performed religious rituals worshiping their gods.

In 1979, due to the extremely high value of this artifact, he was listed as a cultural heritage of world significance by UNESCO. Thus, the "Madara Horseman" - is one of the nine objects in Bulgaria included in this significant list.

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