Confucius Temple
   Photo: The Temple of Confucius

Confucius Temple is the only temple complex in Shanghai, which is dedicated to this great thinker of ancient times. It was built in 1294. Initially, the temple was used as an educational institution.

The building many times destroyed and rebuilt. As a result, the modern form it acquired in 1995, when she was made the last major reconstruction of the temple.

The building of the Temple of Confucius - a concentration of wisdom, harmony and absolute tranquility. Everything here has to ensure that people relax and think about eternity, and the time in the temple as though flows more slowly.

Strolling through the temple, you can see a statue of Confucius, and several Buddhas. Sculptures made of stone courtyard tell visitors about the life and art of ancient times. In addition, the temple is located twelve-pagoda.

Inside the temple, visitors are encouraged to buy a leaflet on which you can write your desire. After this leaflet should be placed along with the rest and wait for the fulfillment of desire. It is believed that Confucius help everyone.

At the end of the tour you can visit a tea house in the temple. Here in Chinese traditional clothes holding tea ceremony for those who want to experience the atmosphere of ancient traditions.

Above all, in the Church held the book market, which is the largest in Shanghai. And next street is where every Sunday sells various books.

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