The bell tower of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra
   Photo: Bell tower of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

In the first half of the XVIII century, Trinity-Sergius Lavra already expecting the construction of a new bell tower to replace the old, which at that time did not fit into the architectural ensemble of the monastery. For a long time the monastery led dispute with the Empress Anna Ivanovna on the location of the new building. The Empress ordered to put the bell tower in the center of the cathedral square, but, according to architect JF Michurin and J. Schumacher, the place was well chosen, as the tallest building would break views of the beautiful cathedral. The architects proposed to shift the bell tower to the northern part of the square in place of the old refectory. This was done, but after the death of Anna Ivanovna.

The first draft of the bell tower was pretty standard for those times: a three-tiered rather cumbersome on the proportions of the building. Construction began in 1741 under the leadership of Michurin and his assistant Ivan Zhukov. He was not able to finish the tower. In 1747 the masters withdrew in Kyiv for the construction of St. Andrew's Cathedral. The construction of the bell tower took the DV Ukhtomsky. He brought Empress Elizabeth project is to increase the height of the bell tower. The project was approved, and in 1753 the building continued to grow. However, work on the decoration of facades lasted another 15 years. In 1770 the monastery saw its new belfry be what it can see, and we in our time.

The lower two-tier large quadrangle with a powerful plinth bears a pyramid of four upward extending open arched belfries. Critics called baroque fundamental to the bell tower. The fifth stage is crowned gilded crown and four-meter cross with chains holding him. Between the third and fourth tiers located chimes connected with eight bells, preserved until now. The first hours were in the monastery in 1784. They performed the Tula master Ivan Kobylin. In 1905, they were replaced by those that show the monastery's time now. Carefully choose a color for the bell tower. We stopped at the sky turquoise paint.

The total height of the bell tower is 88 m .  Lavra belfry bell highest among Russia .  Forty-two bells were created to match it .  In 1759, still under construction at the bell tower raised the biggest in Russia ringing - "King" .  Its weight was 4000 pounds (64 tons) .  Beside him on the lower tier of the belfry were located two more holiday jingle: "Godunov" and "Kornoukhov" bell weighing 1850 pounds 1275 .  All three bells among others were lost in 1930, when there were persecutions of the Church .  The process of destruction of large bells shook the Soviet writer Mikhail Prishvina .  In his memoirs, he describes the pain of their death, if they are living creatures .  "It was a spectacle of public execution," - he writes in his diary .  After that survived only 17 bells .  Among them are "Nikon" cast in 1420 - one of the oldest bells in the monastery - and "Winches" work Chokhov 1594 .  In 2002, the restoration of the bells ringing the first tier .  "Blagovest" and "Firstborn" replaced "Godunovskiy" and "Kornoukhov" .  One year later, cast bell and the main Trinity-St replace the lost "King" .  For the first time the 72-ton bell rang on the day of the Holy Trinity May 30, 2003 . 

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