Sacristy of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra
   Photo: Sacristy of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

Sacristy is considered part of the Sergiev Posad State History and Art Museum-Reserve, founded in 1920. For the monastery, which now is one of the four buildings, the museum became the custodian of the unique exhibits. He literally saved the treasures of the monastery ruin in troubled times. Exhibits are constantly replenished. Since the creation of the collection has increased more than tenfold. "Hermitage Russian culture" - so named Museum of Academician DS Likhachev.

The sacristy is located within the walls of the monastery together with Namestnichimi rest, connecting passage. Exhibitions and museum tell about the change of Russian culture from the XIV century to the present day. Many noble princes and members of prominent families as well as kings and emperors donated to the St. Sergius Monastery. Among the contributions of articles of gold and silver, antique sewing handmade manuscripts, icons and more. Ivan the Terrible is especially favored Lavra. Its offerings make up a large part of the exhibition Trinity-Sergius Sacristy, which holds the main treasures of the monastery. Jewelry of the Moscow Armory, crowns of gold for decoration icons by Andrei Rublev "Trinity", the golden salary for the icon Sergius of Radonezh works 14 masters of the Armory - only a small part of the gifts of the first Russian tsar.

A room on the first floor of the Vestry is dedicated to iconography and book miniature XIV-XVII centuries. Here you will find all the famous image of Our Lady (Vladimir, Kazan, Don, Bogolubskaya, Tikhvin and others). Widely the works of famous painters, including a monastic school, and icons painted on the boards of the shrine of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Works by Andrei Rublev and artists occupy a special place in the exhibition. Stand and product end of the XVII century, the famous master of the Armory Simon Ushakov, paint icons for the Trinity and the Cathedral of the Assumption monastery.

On the second floor there are exhibitions devoted to arts and crafts. Exterior sewing XVI-XVII centuries distinguished luxury. In his works, masters used not only gold and silver threads, and a gem. Of particular interest are the veil "Appearance of Our Lady of St. Sergius of Radonezh "embroidered in silk, gold, silver and pearls and prepodnesёnnaya Trinity Monastery with a plea for the birth of a child in the family of Vasily III; luxury patron saint and religious clothing, also embroidered with precious stones.

The museum is filled with works of masters of gold and silver from various periods of the XIV century to the present. This church utensils, crosses, chalices, icons and salaries of biblical writings from simple to check, gilding, enamel, filigree and carved.

In the sacristy, you can get acquainted with quite worldly things: paintings, lighting fixtures, furniture, is located in the chambers of the monastery abbots and indoor clothing Ivan the Terrible. A large number of portraits of the royal family adorn the halls of the museum.

Exhibits Vestry anxiously kept all along its existence. For example, in 1812, Rostopchin facilitated the movement of valuables Monastery in Vologda in order to save them from Napoleon. But after 1917, when the monastery operated a special commission for the protection of monuments Trinity-Sergius monastery. This is largely saved the Trinity-Sergius Lavra from ruin. Goskhran deprives the church of her relics, did not touch the old things that were created before 1725, and the exhibits of the next century left the most valuable.

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