Castle Danstafneydzh
   Photo: Castle Danstafneydzh

Castle Danstafneydzh located in Argyll and Bute, Scotland, near Oban. The castle is located on a narrow spit of land jutting out into the bay and is surrounded on three sides by water.

Castle on the site was a fortress gave Riatan built earlier than VII century. It was kept for some time Stone of Scone (Stone of Destiny), brought from Iralndii. In 843, Stone was taken to Scone Abbey.

The oldest surviving buildings date from the second quarter of the XIII century - is one of the oldest stone castles in Scotland. Located in a strategically important point, the castle was built by McDougall clan. Robert Bruce McDougall defeated in the Battle of Brander Pass in 1308 and after a brief siege, captured the castle. The castle becomes the property of the Scottish crown and proceeds under the control of commanders. In 1470, the castle was granted to Colin Campbell, the first Earl of Argyle, and remained in the ownership of Clan Campbell until 1958 when he was transferred to the fund "Historic Scotland".

In terms of the castle is an irregular rectangle, with three round towers at the corners. The walls reach a thickness of 3 meters. The gate tower was built at the end of the XV century instead of the existing eastern round tower. Now the castle partly destroyed.

At 150 meters from the castle there is a chapel Danstafneydzh, Duncan McDougall also built in the XIII century. The wooden roof has not survived, but preserved a beautiful stone walls and narrow arched windows. And the castle chapel and protected by the state.

Position Danstafneydzha hereditary captain in charge of the castle and its protection exists today, and also inherited. Now the captain's duties included only three nights of the year to spend the night in a castle, no more rights or duties of the office is not provided.

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