Archaeological site of El Fuerte de Samaipata
   Photo: Archaeological site of El Fuerte de Samaipata

Archaeological site of El Fuerte de Samaipata abbreviated El Fuerte - is a world famous landmark, which is located in the Department of Santa Cruz .  Samaipata takes part of the eastern foothills of the Bolivian Andes, and tourists love to visit this interesting place .  Complex El Fuerte consists of 2 parts .  The first - the hill on which the Indians have caused numerous carvings .  It is believed that this hill was the ritual center of the ancient city in the XIV-XVI centuries .  The second part - a vast area south of the hill, where in the old days was a residential area, the administrative and political center .  The researchers came to the conclusion that this place is revered by the ancient Indians Chan .  Holy Hill was the soul and shelter for tribes doinkovskoy Arawakan culture, and then for themselves Incas .  They are constantly attacked the Guarani tribe, and in the end, managed to capture the raiders of the Valley of Santa Cruz and destroy Samaipata .  A huge, majestic hill are now towering over the ruins of the city, and is a unique witness to the beliefs and traditions that confession long before the Spaniards in the region .  It is thought that analogues of El Fuerte in South America is no more .  In 1998, UNESCO contributed Archaeological Site El Fuerte de Samaipata in the list of World Heritage of Humanity .

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