St. John Church
   Photo: Church of St. John

Riga church of St. John the Baptist sv.proroka is the oldest temple of the city. Behind the magnificent building of the church is the city's oldest cemetery, which popularly is called "Ivanovo". Confirmed information about the graves date from the mid 17th century.

Burial at the cemetery, were later expanded so rapidly that in 1886 in the Ivanovo cemetery built a wooden chapel, which is consecrated in the name of St. the prophet John the Baptist. Although already here I feel the need of the church buildings. In practice, this decision is only the beginning implemented in 1882. A draft, estimates, drawings on the transfer of the wooden church of All Saints, "as it is" in the Ivanovo cemetery. The architect made YF Bauman. The decision on the transfer of the church, caused the contradictory statements. Some believed that it is a sacrilege, others offered to help in the implementation of the plan.

Dismantling of the wooden church, the movement of materials in the Ivanovo cemetery and the construction of an old church in updated form was carried over the world. The church was built as a single ensemble with already available on the Ivanovo cemetery chapel. As a result of effort of many people construction work completed in a year, and September 11, 1883 the church was consecrated. Church purchased the updated architectural appearance, internal arrangement of the church has remained the same.

Riga church of St. John the Baptist sv.proroka was built only on donations. Its share, and considerable, made the owners and workers Kuznetsovsky porcelain factory, which, among other things, made at the factory unified faith Orthodox chapel, and also opened two schools, one for boys and one for girls. Many of the factory workers sang in the church choir gratuitously, that was an important point, because the church paid the singers could not contain, as John's church was assigned to All Saints Church, and all proceeds went to.

Thus, their independent work John's church began almost without any tools. Construction of the church, and the content of her work for the first time was carried out through the efforts of members who, in addition, on their own put in order the Ivanovo cemetery. In 1884, the bells were purchased 2, again on the funds collected.

10 years after the construction of the church in the name of John the Baptist sv.proroka number of parishioners has grown so much that it was decided to form an independent parish. As a result, the parish was opened August 4, 1892. Fears that the parish can not independently support themselves, did not materialize. The church also received donations from the parishioners, the government also provided assistance. Gradually, John's Parish became one of the most revered in Riga.

The exact time of the start of construction of a brick church on the site of a wooden unknown. Presumably it was in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. There is a letter from 08.16.1928 years in which Archpriest Nikolai Shalfeev writes about the near completion (thanks to generous donations). He reports that the construction is so fast that it has to be to take care of the iconostasis, the icons, the throne and the altar. On the basis of a number of such letters, it can be assumed that the consecration of the new church took place in the autumn of 1929.

Old wooden church gradually fell into disrepair. However, there was a request for repair of the church on the generous donations to carry out in her service in the winter. External and internal repairs profit held successfully. In addition, the positive answer came at a general request for pereosvyaschenii wooden church in St John Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

The head of the Latvian Orthodox Church, His Eminence John (Pommer) personally acquainted with the state of preparation of St John came to the celebrations. However, to take part in them, it was not possible, since the night of October 12, 1934, he was brutally murdered. His burnt body was found tied. The body had two bullet. According to the examination of his burned alive, when he was still breathing. This event shocked the residents of the country

In general terms the most difficult wars, troubles and trials of St. John's Church remained valid. Moreover, reports of the postwar period, it is among the most visited. With the advent of 60-ies. wave of atheism collapsed on Orthodoxy. Many churches were closed, destroyed, rebuilt for the needs of the state. Atheistic persecution affected the Church of St. John. Parish ordered to go into the wooden church of Kazan. However, the parishioners managed to defend the stone temple. But Kazan church is still closed. Since 1970 and to this day it acts as a Catholic.

Exclusively by the arrival in 1995-96. carried out repair work of the Riga church of St. John the Baptist sv.proroka. Today, the temple is one of the revered Orthodox centers in Riga. It provides the needs of the church and the parish, being a more and philanthropist.

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