Park "Mini Israel"
   Photos Park "Mini Israel"

Miniature Park "Mini Israel" owes its birth of the Israeli entrepreneur Eyranu Gazit. In 1986, Gazit visited the famous "Madurodam" - a miniature city in the Netherlands - and hit on the idea: like to appear in Israel In the embodiment of ideas into reality it took 16 years. First prevented the first Palestinian intifada (Palestinian uprising, which lasted from 1987 to 1991), but by 2002 the park finally appeared.

To build his team of designers and architects, in which there were more than a hundred people, including immigrants from the former Soviet Union. They created 385 accurate models of the most important objects of Israel - historical, architectural, religious, cultural - and place them on 3 acres. The form of the park resembles the Star of David, each of the six triangles filled with copies of objects belonging to different districts of Israel.

Models made from polymeric materials and stone with a computing and generally performed in a scale of 1:25. Size is not the small skyscrapers taller than an adult, churches - above the growth of the child. This scale allows visitors to see all the details, explore the architectural details - and towers Azrieli Center in Tel Aviv, and the train station in Haifa, and the Basilica of Striving in Jerusalem. Tourist attraction can be useful - many, considering copies attractions, mentally make a list of things still need to see Israel "live".

In this toy a country that inhabit semisantimetrovyh 25,000 "residents", everything moves. Bows Jews praying at the Wailing Wall and the Muslims on the Temple Mount, enter the port of ships, taxiing on the runway planes, cars and trains go, spinning wind turbines, cranes working on a construction site. Tourists go from one scene to behold at Kibbutz milking cows, that an athlete receives a medal, then working factory producing frozen juices, and there is depicted a picnic in the woods. In the evening, when it gets dark, all models of buildings light up the small screen.

Recreated and episodes of the long history of the Jewish people: the victory of Joshua over the five Canaanite armies (in that battle, he, according to the Old Testament, stopped the sun and moon in the sky that night did not come); Judah Maccabee battle with the Greeks desecrated the Temple in Jerusalem; desperate defense of the fortress of Masada, the defenders who chose to kill themselves rather than surrender to the Romans ...

The park is full of not only the movement, but also sounds. Renowned Israeli singer Goran Gaon sings "Jerusalem, Jerusalem," the crowd at the stadium supporting your favorite team, the commander of honor guard at the Knesset, shouting orders, the Abbey of the Assumption on top of Mount Zion, bells, famous violinist Isaac Stern gives a master class in violin playing.

Goggles visitors do not immediately believe that all the tiny trees live here. But it is - even in a miniature copy of the Bahai Gardens in Haifa all the trees are real. The park is 70 thousand plants, of which 17 thousand - bonsai, which are grown in a local nursery.

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