Mound Vella
   Photo: Mound Vella

Vella is a village and settlement, which became the center of the parish Veleyskoy Pushkinogorsky District in the Pskov region. The village is located in the Valdai Hills. The name of the village comes from the Finnish word "Välja", which means "free, ample space", which alternate in the landscape of the lake, the hills and valleys. Even in ancient times the inhabitants of the area were engaged in cultivation of flax, cattle, poultry and fruit production.

Come down to the present day village, which is located between the flat hills along the ancient roads leading to Livonia and Lithuania kept a its former layout: straight down the hill to the lake extended narrow streets. Not far from the area rivers Blue, Great Issa, who were part of the ancient way called "from the Vikings to the Greeks", which connected Russian land with Livonia.

The earliest mention of the settlement and are indicated in the Pskov chronicles dating back 1368 year. But the first inhabitants of this settlement - krivichi Slavs - settled the land much earlier. According to archaeological research, we can conclude that the hypothesis Kostomarov NI regarding the existence of the city in the tract entitled "Mane" is really true. The initial development of the territory belongs to the end of the first millennium. It is known that the settlement existed in ancient times.

The main attraction of the village became Veleyskaya fortress. In the Pskov area, which occupies a relatively small space, for ages 14-15 was much more fortresses than in the Moscow Russia. In order to protect Pskov land from attacks of enemies, fortresses were built large suburban-represented in the north of Gdov, in the south - Boiler, islands, Voronich, Vrevo the west - Izborsk. To a greater extent, in the north, the fortress was built of stone, and in the south they are somewhat branched end of the border. Veleyskaya castle is a wooden-Terran-stone building that has become a unique phenomenon for the whole of the Pskov land. The fortress is located on a gentle hill, a vast and has a length of 260 meters and width of 70 meters. The fortress was equipped with an earthen podsypnym shaft, which was surrounded by three lakes.

The fortress was built in the mid-14th century. It is an important junction of land defended roads leading from Lithuania to Moscow, Novgorod and Pskov. The second way is passed from Livonia by Vella and is the link with the city of Livonia Novgorod and Pskov. The fortress was situated on a large and well-preserved till our time embankments, surrounded by lakes, Son, Black and Vella.

Son Lake covers an area of ​​70 hectares and is adjacent to a large rampart from the northwest, with which is associated a large number of legends. On the southwest side of the rampart spreads Vella Lake, covers an area of ​​278 hectares.

In the early 17th century, the village of Vella was granted to one of the associates of Peter the First - Count Yaguzhinskii. Shortly thereafter, in 1777 the patrimony passed into the hands of Count Potemkin. In mid-1780 she visited the village of Vella Catherine II, who was just fascinated by the incredible beauty of these places. The Empress decided to build its own place in this country palace, though never carried out his wish. In 1782 the patrimony passed into the possession Lansky, who was a favorite of Catherine, after which Vella became the owner by the name of Prince Kurakin.

In 1808 Vella became known as the industrial facility through the construction of a linen factory. In the 19th century it was realized unprecedented rise flax, for which reason have been held every year the fair: Vozdvizhenskaya two Fominsk and Tresvyatitelskaya. The territory of the settlement took place Veleyskogo old post road leading from the city of Polotsk in Novgorod. Flax processing, and selling it put a successful start for the merchant dynasties in Vella. At this time, it began to appear and the Old Believers.

It is particularly important to note that the settlement Vella is close to the Museum-Reserve of AS Pushkin, and it not so long ago entered into its composition.

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