Cosmas and Damian Church in fiber
   Photo: Church of Cosmas and Damian in fiber

Not far from the main roads, on a small hill, which is surrounded by rich in nuts, berries and mushrooms forests, lies the village called fiber. Near the village prostrated clean, mirrored Benevskaya lake, and next to them is the longest in Palkinsky District hill, which is called the spindle Mountain, reaching a height of 163 meters. But fiber is considered to be the pride of the church is located Cosmas and Damian, which was built in 1909 and still operates.

Initially, the temple Cosmas and Damian was built of wood in 1695. Only in 1909 the church came to the dilapidated state of the unprecedented, for which reason the parishioners and priest John Shchekin decided to build a stone church, the old bell tower equipped in accordance with the church. The consecration of the new church took place in the winter January 27, 1909 Pskov Archimandrite Holy Transfiguration Monastery named Ambrose.

Novovystroenny temple was made of red brick and their years experienced many misfortunes, it is difficult through the difficult history of ruin and oblivion. Soon the church Cosmas and Damian was abandoned because the required repair work, because the walls of the church were badly dilapidated, crumbling plaster and interior floors and roof of the temple were completely rotten. February 1, 1962 the temple was removed from the register and shut down. According to the petition Archimandrite Tikhon, as well as the blessing of Loknovskogo Eusebius, the church was once again returned to the faithful parishioners, and its restoration was carried out with the help of parishioners and benefactors of the Pskov-Caves Monastery. First Divine Liturgy was held on 23 August 2004 and from that moment on every Sunday and on days of great religious holidays.

Church bell tower located on the south side of the altar and had six bells, which were difficult to legible. The cast was made all the bells in the city of Izborsk during the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

In the church of Cosmas and Damian there is only one throne. The temple was once kept old icon of Our Lady of the Sign of the Greek letter. Around the perimeter of the church is a cemetery.

In 1907, the church psalmist was appointed Alexis I. Ilyin, who after a while began to work as a priest. Father Alexy was born in 1876 in the village of Zabolote, at the moment, Palkinsky area. February 16, 1938 Alex was arrested, and March 5, 1938, was sentenced to death by NKVD troika of the Leningrad region. January 16, 1939 he was rehabilitated. In 1935, in the Church of Cosmas and Damian it was constructed warehouse. During the Great Patriotic War the temple was opened again with the support of the priests of the Pskov Orthodox Mission. Throughout 1944 the church served as the psalmist mosquitoes. The church existed until 1961.

In 2005, the church installed a new iconostasis. Today it is a functioning church.

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