Village Rubchoyla
   Photo: Village Rubchoyla

Rubchoyla is a small village, which is located in the northern part of Karelia-ethnic area Livviks, namely, 6 km from the village Essoila. The surrounding landscape of the village has a flat surface with a calm relief. The village is far from the many rivers and lakes. Rubchoyla passes through the village road that connects Kroshnozero and Essoila.

Base Rubchoyly happened in the 18th century. In 1773, in the village it was registered 10 houses, inhabited by 62 people; in 1905, 86 inhabitants living in 12 houses. Judging by the statistics of the previous years, it is clear that the people have had enough Rubchoyly wealthy private sector, because in every house had about 14 head of cattle, which is two times more compared to other villages Syamozero parish.

By 1909, the village has been designed for the new general plan of reorganization. The author of the proposed plan is a land surveyor from Petrozavodsk BV Bekes. This kind of plans developed bureaucratic apparatus without considering local conditions, for this reason, farmers often do not comply with the rules.

Currently, the location of homes carried out as follows: the largest number of old houses targeted facial facade on the south side under the old Karelian tradition and the other part of the house is oriented to the road; there are homes that stand in those places, which have Bekes. As a result of this arrangement a living composition Rubchoyly significantly changed and consisted of several rows of houses, oriented on opposite sides.

The characteristic appearance gives the Karelian village cemetery grove overgrown with firs and pines, and located in the center Rubchoyly. The grove is a chapel dating back to the second half of the 19th century. Along the small brook flowing through the village, groups are located bath.

Karelian wooden architecture, researchers came to the conclusion that the village Rubchoyla - a holistic architectural and natural ensemble. In addition, the village is a favorite destination of many Karelian artists.

Currently, the village has eight buildings that are monuments of Karelian architecture, among which are: Yermolayeva house, built in the 19th century, and the house Mikhailov, also built in the second half of the 19th century.

House Yermolayeva is a rectangular building covered with a gable roof. The building is one-story and two-story residential part of the equipped like a barn-yard. House bears as a kind of standard forms and techniques that are characteristic of the architecture Livvik Karelians. Data features include: asymmetrical main façade, the rear console ledge of the wall of the barn, the orientation of the oven in the space of the hut to the side wall, as well as the active use of Karelian motifs throughout the decoration of the external facade. The house is located just off the road in the center of Rubchoyly and plays a role in the composite building settlements. In addition, the house Yermolayeva - a historical and architectural value, which is an example of traditional village houses south of Karelia. The house is an ethnographic museum.

House Mihailova is located in the northern part of the village and takes Rubchoyla priority status in the appearance of the whole street. The house bears the function of the complex is the house, which combines not only residential but also business premises under a gable roof. The building is an example of the typical architectural solution of the peasant dwelling representatives of the northern Livvik Karelians. The main facade is decorated with beautiful decorative balcony and shared the front room and the house chopped. Supporting roof brackets have the form of a hook. The furnace, as well as in the building Ermolaeva, oriented towards the side of the wall.

Most tour companies organize tours of the Karelian Republic in Rubchoylu with the obligatory visit to the house Yermolayeva as the ethnographic museum. In addition, the program includes a sightseeing tour of the historic part of the settlement Rubchoyly.

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