The architectural ensemble of the Round Square
   Photo: The architectural ensemble of the Round Square

One of the brightest sights of Poltava is the architectural ensemble of the Round Square. This is the only CIS compositionally completed the ensemble of the provincial era of classicism and the best ensemble of classicism period in Ukraine. Architectural and historical complex is located in the heart of the city.

Shape Round Square began to take shape in the early 19 century. Buildings made simultaneously in one style - classicism, when Poltava was named provincial city. Formation ensemble lasted from 1805 to 1840 with the money of the famous philanthropist Seeds Kochubey.

Architect Michael Square Amvrosimov offered Poltava Governor-General A. Kurakin positioned office buildings in a circle on the new area to the west of the historic center, where, according to paraphrases Poltava after the Battle of Poltava met the king Peter I. The basis of the future buildings Amvrosimov took the "model" projects known Petersburg architect Adrian Zakharov.

As a result, the ensemble of the Round Square totaled eight office buildings: the house of Governor-General in 1810 (today - Oblprofsovet), old-governor's house in 1810 (today - OCD in the Poltava region), the house of the provincial official place in 1810 (now - Poltava city ​​council), vice-governor of the house in 1811 (now - house), the Little Russian Post Office in 1869 (today - the Small Academy of Arts), the building of the Noble Assembly in 1810 (now - Theater them. Kotlyarevskogo), county building official place in 1811 g (1957 House connection with the construction of which was completed the entire architectural ensemble of the Round Square) and the Cadet Corps in 1840

During the Great Patriotic War's skyline is almost completely destroyed. After the city's liberation from the Nazis Poltava architects of a plan of restoration of the ensemble, which was implemented in 1950-1960-ies.

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