Castle crash
   Photo: Castle crash

Crash Castle was built in the XIII century on the site of an ancient wooden fort with a defensive purpose. His master Yetrshih Hroznata held in the fortress a large garrison, which, if necessary, could act to protect the royal castle Tyrzhev located nearby.

During the clashes the army of King Premysl Otakar II with his opponents - advocates family Vitkovtsev - Castle faithful servant of the Czech ruler, too, was subjected to numerous sieges. Around this period it became clear that we should pay great attention to the strengthening of the fortress. Therefore, the castle is surrounded by crash high walls and a deep moat filled with water. Near the manor structure erected a high tower, from the top that looks at all the neighborhood. Thus, a traditional fort turned into an almost impregnable castle.

The subsequent history of the castle is closely linked to the crash after the famous Czech labor, which they owned. Thus, during the Hussite wars the castle was owned by the nobility Kolovrat, who first appeared on the side of the king, but to save his property, pledging allegiance Hussites. At the same time to strengthen the fortress architect Jan Teesta elevates above the palace crash facility with another tower, which is surrounded by a wall for safety.

In 1631, the castle becomes the possession of the powerful Ian David Borin. This peace-loving man with surprise looked at the thick walls and water-filled moat. However, the use of water was found: near the castle built two mills, which brings a good income. Being a zealous owner, Borin turned once a legendary castle into a large farm. It worked malthouse, smithy, a few craft workshops. The cribs were kept herds of goats and cows. On the sidelines of the castle began to grow crops. However, strengthening the damaged and were not useful at the time of the Thirty Years War.

In XVII-XVIII centuries the castle belonged to the monks, and then was abandoned and forgotten. Nowadays, the castle ruins crash only attract tourists.

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