Holguin Pavilion
   Photo: Holguin Pavilion

Holguin is a pavilion in Peterhof and a sample of amusement facilities in the mid-19th century. Located on an island in the middle of the lake in Olga's Kolonistskom park, adjacent to the Tsaritsyn pavilion. The pavilion was built in 1846-1848 gg. for the Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna, the daughter of Emperor Nicholas I of the project, AI Shtakenshnejdera.

By their appearance Holguin pavilion like a southern Italian villa. Slim construction, crowned with a flat roof, set to rise from the water base. On the roof of the pavilion was made playground with wooden trellis canopy. Painted in yellow enliven the smooth walls of the pavilion white reliefs, balconies, busts and down from the roof drains in the form of dragons.

Entrance to the hall is located on the north side of the building .  Through a small hallway, past the stairs you can get to the dining room .  The interior of the dining room is decorated modestly: the bottom of the wall painted to look like marble, and the walls are decorated with simple paintings with ornaments (artists and .  Drollinger) and light rods with a molding .  Caisson ceiling and painted Drollingerom .  Fireplace in yellow and white marble was made in the studio A .  Triscorni .  On the mantelpiece - gilded bronze clock and luxurious high candelabra .  As a reminder of the mistress of the pavilion - a portrait of Grand Duchess work P . H .  Orlov .  It captures the artist Olga Nikolaevna in 1846 . against the background of the villa in Palermo .  The table next to the fireplace served dishes of dowry Olga Nikolaevna - deep and dessert plates, soup bowl, made at the Imperial Porcelain Factory in 1846 .  Near the china sets - plates and dishes with covers of silver service .  Each of them is decorated with the monogram "About . H . "

Directly adjacent to the dining Pantry, which also presented dishes dowry of Grand Duchess. On the opposite side was a small dressing room. Through one of the doors of the dining room you can exit to the stairs leading down to the water and sit in a gondola or boat.

The second floor has a room hostess. From it you can go to the balcony and a small terrace, and down into the garden of an external staircase, which is decorated with a marble vase. Russian Cabinet decorated with furniture from the mid-19th century works. Among other items on the desk Olga Nikolaevna drew the attention of the press for paper in the form of the Sicilian arms - Triskelion and the head of Medusa. Between the windows on the pedestal of a bronze statue in the court of Grand Duchess Russian Dress (sculptor A. Trodena, 1830-1840.). The office also provides watercolor depicting the husband of Olga - Karl of Wurttemberg, who in 1864 became king of Württemberg Charles I.

Above the cabinet room of the Grand Duchess is Nicholas I, which occupies the entire third floor. Its interior is very modest. On the desktop - books on military affairs. Next to the sofa on a small table - a samovar with a teapot and a glass in silver holders. The walls are decorated with watercolors of Italy, one of which is represented by Vesuvius during the eruption of which was razed to the ground the city of Pompeii.

Climbing the stairs, you can go to the observation deck, which offers a beautiful view of the entire island, Lugovoi and Kolonistsky parks.

Holguin island in the 19th century. used mostly for devices theatrical performances. In 1897, on the southern edge of the island built a wooden outdoor theater, which existed until 1905 right on the pond scene was arranged that adorn the scenery in the form of ancient ruins. Visual same room was located on the shore, and the orchestra pit was located right at the water's edge. At this stage were the best performers: VP Gerdt, E. Sokolov, M. Kshessinsky, Vaganova, T. Karsavina.

After 1917 Holguin island was in ruins, sculptures were removed, and the pavilion was empty and gradually destroyed. During the German occupation, the building of the pavilion burned from him remained only ruins.

Only in the early 21 century. it became possible to carry out the restoration of the building. In just a few years, the pavilion was recreated: built new floors, doors and windows installed, plastering made, manufactured fireplaces, painted interiors and carefully chosen exhibits desired. Holguin Pavilion in 2005 was opened as a museum.

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