Paris Museum of the Polish Library
   Photo: Museum of the Polish Library of Paris

Museum of the Polish Library of Paris, located on the Ile Saint-Louis, can be highly interested in Russian tourists: their origin is connected with the name of Adam Czartoryski, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire in 1804-1806, respectively. It was the same "days of Alexander's great start", which Pushkin wrote.

Adam Jerzy Czartoryski, a noble Polish nobleman, in the beginning of the XIX century, was part of the "inner circle" of the young Emperor Alexander I, and at the suggestion of the king led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Cut short a brilliant career events at the Imperial University of Vilna, a trustee who was Czartoryski - students have created here a secret society, Czartoryski was forced to retire. During the uprising of 1830, he was chairman of the breakaway government of Poland after the defeat of the uprising he emigrated to France.

In Paris Czartoryski lived on the Ile Saint-Louis. He led the Polish emigration and became a patron of the arts. In his huge mansion Lambert he settled almost all the major figures of Polish culture, who in exile had, of course, hard times. Here lived the Adam Mickiewicz and Frederic Chopin. In 1838 Czartoryski bought a house on the waterfront Orleans to arrange a Polish library. Today the library has three small museums, two of which are directly related to Russian culture.

The great Polish romantic poet Adam Mickiewicz lived in St. Petersburg and was a friend of Pushkin, Vyazemsky, Delwig, Baratynsky. His work is highly valued all reading Russia. The museum's collection contains manuscripts of his name, documents, letters, portraits of the poet and publicist.

The composer and pianist Frederic Chopin to his departure to Western Europe lived in the Russian Empire, near Warsaw. In 1831 he settled in Paris, where he met the writer George Sand - their affair lasted ten years. Held in Paris, and the last days of the composer. Inside, the museum presents Chopin first editions of his scores, which belonged to his chair, the death mask and a cast of his left hand.

The third museum library - a collection of paintings and sculptures of the Polish surrealist artist Boleslaw Begasa who worked in the late XIX - early XX centuries. Here are also the work of other Polish artists, the archives of the Polish emigration.

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