   Photo: Notre-Dame-des-Champs

Notre-Dame-des-Champs (Church of Our Lady of the Fields) is located on the Boulevard Montparnasse. The area surrounding the Latin Quarter, for centuries combined land with fields and meadows, hence the name.

Around this place in antiquity was the temple of Mercury. After the Christianization of Gaul, the temple was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, in X-XI centuries there appeared a monastery. In the XI century King Robert the Pious decided to rebuild the monastery church - it has named Notre-Dame-de-Shan. The monastery was originally a Benedictine, Carmelite then - here under the name of Louise merciful for thirty-six years, lived a former mistress of Louis XIV, Louise de la Valliere. During the French Revolution and the monastery and the church were destroyed, but preserved in human memory.

In 1858 the parish of Notre-Dame-des-Champs was restored. At first, the Holy Mass was celebrated in the wooden chapel. But in 1867 the first stone was laid revived church. Construction commissioned the architect Paul-Rene Leon Gines, who chose for the building of Romanesque style. The temple was consecrated and opened its doors to worshipers in 1876.

How many churches are being built in Paris in the Second Empire, the building rests on a steel frame, designed by Gustave Eiffel. This made it possible to apply the high arch and create a huge space with two rows of light arches resting on cruciform pillars. In this space, the eye easily finds twenty-two paintings of the artist Jacques Aubert, depicting scenes from the life of Our Lady. The painter spent on the job for eighteen years of life. Paintings absolutely accurate ethnographic: Ober specially made several trips to Palestine to observe the daily life of women in the Holy Land.

Very interesting are standing here Way of the Cross of the Savior: the artist Frederic de Courcy fulfilled them in grisaille technique enamel on copper. The work was exhibited at the Salon in 1879.

Chapel of the Virgin Mary adorned with a remarkable statue of the Virgin Mary with Child in her arms, carved by Alfred Adolf Leper. Little Jesus holds a crown of thorns, which he will wear. His face thoughtfully. Our Lady looks at the sky, tears in her eyes.

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