   Photo: Králíky

Almost at the Polish border is a small town called Králíky. Now it is home to about 4, 5 thousand people, but there were times when the town was crowded, rich and prosperous. It was founded in the end of XIII century, as well as other villages in the district. Then went the active development of new lands, the settlers were willing to work hard, furnished in a new place.

About three centuries of Kralik was unheard of. People lived here, as elsewhere, odd jobs. Only in the XVI century, fortune smiled on this town: it was bought by Zdeněk of Wallenstein, who immediately knocked out for their own right to make bids, make beer, to sell certain types of goods. Immediately we began to organize a guild of people of different professions. On the streets began to appear Králíky workshops of artisans, merchants opened their shops there, realizing high-quality goods. Králíky gradually became one of the most important cities in the Pardubice region. It learned about the Emperor, who several times came here to assess the situation of the city and learn about its readiness for war with Prussia.

The position of the boundary of the city obliges local authorities to ensure protection of the population in case of attack of the enemy. On the eve of World War II there was installed a whole system of fortifications, which survives to this day. Now it houses a military museum opened. Exposure another museum - City - tells about the customs and traditions of the region Králický.

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