   Photo: Cuyo

Cuyo - a small town located on the island of Palawan. According to the 2000 census, there lived a little more than 18 thousand people. The city itself is considered the oldest in the province of Palawan, and from 1873 to 1903 he was the second capital of the province.

Cuyo Islands, which total 45, are scattered in an area of ​​130 They lie to the south of the island of Mindoro and Palawan between the northern island of Panay. The largest island of the group - Cuyo - has an area of ​​57 square kilometers in and about 14 km in length. It has three cities - Cuyo, Magsaysay and Agutaya. You can reach the island by plane from Manila - the road will take only half an hour. And if you hit the road on the water, you will have to spend almost a day.

The first who discovered the island of Cuyo were Chinese traders who settled here and, starting to deal with the native population .  Then there were the Malays who have been found small settlements along the coast .  They brought with them their culture, such as traditional dance "Pond Pond" is incredibly popular today .  In 1622, the Spanish arrived in the Cuyo Count of San Agustin, along with five missionaries who, unopposed, began to spread Christianity among the local population .  However, only a few years later - in 1636 - the island was attacked by Muslim pirates who destroyed the monastery and church and burned the town, having withdrawn with prisoners .  The Spaniards could not answer - in the same year they put their fleet, consisting of six ships and 250 sailors .  During the battle, the leader of the Muslim date Tagul was killed, and 300 of his men were captured .  The Spanish captives were released . 

Today one of the main attractions of the island of Cuyo is the fort built by the Spanish to protect the population from the pirates 'Moro' in the late 17th century - is one of the oldest forts in the Philippines. The property includes an old church and a monastery. The original fortifications of stone and limestone had a square shape with four bastions. The current fort, covering an area of ​​1 hectare, has a rectangular shape with walls 10 meters high and 2 meters thick. Here is the high bell tower and watchtowers, whose gun, facing the sea, are now used only during the holidays.

Another attraction is the city Cuyo lighthouse - the first thing a traveler sees when approaching the island by water. The streets of the city today is almost completely paved, but some places are still preserved examples of Spanish colonial architecture. In the center of town stands the church, built in 1860, and next - a school and a monument to the Philippine national hero José Rizal.

Near the town is Mount Aguado, is notable because of its foot to the summit arranged parking enjoyed by many pilgrims during a religious procession within Holy Week.

Tourists come to the island of Cuyo to a variety of water sports and a break from the hustle and bustle of the nearby popular Boracay Island. On Cuyo there are conditions for kitesurfing, skimbordingom, diving and snorkeling. Nature lovers can take a tour of the island to explore the local flora and fauna.

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