Gallery "Jakob"
   Photo Gallery "Jakob"

Lovers of art museums, being in Opava, will not be disappointed. In the Lower town square in one of the historical Renaissance buildings erected at the turn of XV-XVI centuries, is the gallery "At Jacob." This is one of the most famous and popular museums in the city. The founders of the gallery, which occupies several floors and has only modest, does not attract attention to the sign above the entrance, we decided to carry culture to the masses, so I abandoned the idea of ​​the organization of museums for intellectuals and snobs. A person who is not versed in the art, will not feel superfluous here.

Permanent exhibition in the gallery there. The museum collection is constantly updated. As the exhibits used canvases by famous contemporary artists of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and neighboring countries. Each painting, sculpture or other work of art that is shown to the court demanding public, is available in its collection. If visitors are interested in something, the gallery staff always hold a short tour, talk about this or that picture, will help you choose the canvas in a certain genre.

The gallery has a small shop that sells professional tools of the artist, high-quality paint and other materials.

Gallery organizes various courses for children and adults, workshops of famous artists. The range of services provided by the gallery "Jakob", includes an assessment of paintings, which can be done both online and in person.

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