Manor Belkino
   Photo: Manor Belkino

Belkin old manor located in the suburb of Obninsk. Today it is a favorite vacation spot obnintsev. Once it was the possession of his brother Boris Godunov - Seeds. From the 15th century it belonged to the old nobility Belkin. In the 18th century. Belkin village passed to Ivan Vorontsov Illarionovich. Being married, he retired in the summer and autumn of living in Belkin. Vorontsov was obsessed with a passion for building and brought here stone house, the church and smashed the regular park.

Then he was transferred to the DP Belkino Buturlin as a dowry for her granddaughter II Vorontsov. Buturlin DP is the custodian of the Hermitage, had a large library, which during the Moscow fire in 1812 burned down (part of his library, which was in Belkin, survived). Buturlin liked to spend time in Belkin, he loved gardening and greenhouses are arranged with lemon and of orange trees, rare flowers.

At various times in Belkino parents visited AS Pushkin, the Countess Vorontsova-Dashkova. When the estate owned Obninsk, here there were II Levitan, VD Polenov, PP Konchalovsky, VA Serov, VY Bruce, IE Grabar and others.

In Soviet times, the palace Belkin estates were different institutions. Currently the manor is in ruins. From the palace, which once visited Levitan, Pushkin, Serov were actually just a wall. Its floor and the roof were destroyed. The house, built KI Blanco in 1770., Has decayed so much that he had to enclose fence as to be near him dangerous. Facades "hunting castle" Blank done in the style of early classicism. Rust and a variety of panels are dismembered wall surfaces. On the part of the park and the axis of symmetry of the courtyard of the building identified two column portal entrance and a balcony, the centers of the other two facades are marked barely protruding projection in the facade.

The park is now given in order, it cleared the paved road and path network. In the park there are numerous scenic places, which attract amateur photographers.

The composition of the estate also includes: a gazebo for lovers, decorative bridges, Belkin ponds, sculptures, Boris and Gleb Church, a monument to Pushkin, a monument to the priest Theodore Tikhomirov, a mass grave of soldiers who died here during World War II.

Stone Temple Sts, located on the estate, was built in 1773. It was part of the manor complex. In his appearance clearly traced the tradition of Catherine's era. The architectural design of the temple used elements of classicism and baroque. The interior of the church is decorated with painted in grisaille technique, which was performed by ID Under the leadership of Vladimir Nekrasov Bazhenov. At the end. 19 in. secular painting in the church were replaced paintings depicting scenes from the Gospel, under the dome completed figures of cherubim. In 1815, the winter chapel was built in the name of the icon "Soothe My Sorrows."

In 1885, at the church of Sts opened parochial school under the tutelage of PN Obninsk. The school building, which is a log house of two log cabins, reached our time. The first teacher of religion at school was Theodore Tikhomirov, who is a monument on the estate. In the church he served for about 25 years and was buried in the churchyard. Was replaced by Georgy Trinity, served here until 1927

Until 1930, the church served Borisoglebsk John Zhukov. November 23, 1930 he was arrested and sent to Siblag three years. In 1937, he was shot. In 1930, the church was closed and handed over to a local farm, which housed its warehouse here. Only in 1988, the temple was once again transferred to the Church. Today there are functioning: Children's Sunday School, theological courses.

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