Village Meat Bor
   Photo: Meat Bor village

Meat Bor - is a village located in the Novgorod region. Only the name already suggests, this place is - a tragic page in the history of our country during the Great Patriotic War. It is a locality in a difficult war in 1942 had to lay on their shoulders the burden of a terrible bloody battle that destroyed during the operation Luban a huge number of soldiers Volkhov Front, which number in the hundreds of thousands. Among the dead including not only the Russian troops, but also German soldiers, the soldiers of the Spanish Blue Division, and many others.

In early 1942, troops of the Volkhov Front began its offensive .  More successfully operated the second Shock Army, which was able to January 17, successfully break through the defense, located near the Meat Bora .  While the offensive continued, every meter of land was given to a number of huge losses, because the forces were completely equal .  German management decided to throw in Luban has two divisions that stopped the onslaught of the second Shock Army .  Width break down about 4 km .  On the way to the railway Luban-Chudovo German enemies could stretch six fresh divisions .  Active attack Soviet troops reflected the heavy enemy fire, which was unable to suppress the Russian artillery .  In the event of the spring thaw, it was sharply disrupted supplies to the army, and the diversion of troops was strictly forbidden by the order - had only to defend themselves .  The German troops were desperate to close the neck of a breakthrough, and by 19 March they were able to completely block the path from Meat Bora, pulling all the fresh forces .  This delivery of ammunition and food second shock troops of the division is completely stopped .  In the area of ​​its breakthrough enemy led uninterrupted mortar and artillery fire . 

Breakthrough to the road cost of enormous sacrifices - all the narrow strip of marshes and forests to the tormented western part of Bohr Meat in March 1942 became known as the "Valley of Death". High Command has sent rescue surrounded soldiers of Lenin Knights of the Order of General Vlasov, he distinguished himself in numerous battles of the capital. But by the time of arrival of general forest completely turned into a bloody mess. In this situation, Vlasov realized just what you need to immediately get out of the bag, which has not untie. However, Stalin forbade conduct the retreat. Taking all new attempts to leave the scene of bloody hell, our troops were able to break through the small corridor of 700 meters in the village of Bor Meat.

The desperate situation of complete encirclement were six teams and eight divisions, unit headquarters was completely broken, and the direction of troop was broken. Military vehicles have risen due to the fact that the fuel is completely over. The breakthrough has failed, and the export of the wounded was discontinued. He escaped, and General Vlasov, who disguised himself as a woman and left the army surrendered in German captivity. May 20 drained and exhausted soldiers attacked the hordes of marsh mosquitoes. The headquarters ordered the destruction of equipment. It was made the latest breakthrough in the village of Bor Meat and seriously wounded soldiers were left. In July, a bloody battle was over - more than 11 thousand dead bodies were left to rot in the swamps and forests.

Even today, the village is considered to be an overwhelming Meat Bor and unusual place. Being in those places, it seems as if the forest alive. Those people who have been in the forest, claiming that these places are not even birds weave their nests.

Meat Bora greatest tragedy - a tragedy of the Soviet people. Today's modern descendants should pay tribute to all fallen soldiers. In the meat Bor has a military cemetery, which buried more than 20 thousand soldiers. Local residents who witnessed the massacre, recalled that in the forest killed so many people that did not have enough space for the burial of corpses. According to the general assumptions in the forests and swamps are the remains of about 500 thousand people. But do not forget that many tens of thousands are still waiting, when they will pay their last respects.

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